How are we suppose to have Spring when we keep getting snow storms in April. I thought the saying was April showers bring May flowers? What are the other snow totals around Minnesota? Will this prolong the sap run?
How are we suppose to have Spring when we keep getting snow storms in April. I thought the saying was April showers bring May flowers? What are the other snow totals around Minnesota? Will this prolong the sap run?
April showers may bring May flowers, but April snow brings a big sap flow! You're lucky that you have all your taps close to home. We got another foot of white over here in B'duck and I can't get to 1/3 of my taps. Plus, it's been way too windy to try to boil in my three-open-sided excuse of a sugar shack.
Sam Christenson
185 taps with buckets and bags
2' x 5' flat pan on wood-fired homemade arch
Polaris 4 wheeler
Lots of time
Well we just got another 6-10 inches of snow over last night and into today. Wish it wasn't "buddy" time, would probably get a good sap run. The temps. are right and they say it runs better after snow storms. Darn it, all put away for the year too.