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Thread: Really more snow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Squaw Lake, MN

    Default Really more snow

    How are we suppose to have Spring when we keep getting snow storms in April. I thought the saying was April showers bring May flowers? What are the other snow totals around Minnesota? Will this prolong the sap run?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    N. Minnesota


    April showers may bring May flowers, but April snow brings a big sap flow! You're lucky that you have all your taps close to home. We got another foot of white over here in B'duck and I can't get to 1/3 of my taps. Plus, it's been way too windy to try to boil in my three-open-sided excuse of a sugar shack.
    Sam Christenson

    185 taps with buckets and bags
    2' x 5' flat pan on wood-fired homemade arch
    Polaris 4 wheeler
    Lots of time

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Squaw Lake, MN

    Default Late April Snow Storm

    Well we just got another 6-10 inches of snow over last night and into today. Wish it wasn't "buddy" time, would probably get a good sap run. The temps. are right and they say it runs better after snow storms. Darn it, all put away for the year too.

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