So last saturday before the freeze up I had 200 gallons of sap not enough to do anything with so I decided to do an experiment because so many are having success with Concentrating then holding it at just below freezing. so I ran it through the RO I usually go to 15/16 and then put it into several buckets and let it freeze up in the sugarhouse, on wednesday I got 250 gallon of sap and ROed added to the concentrate and it was great. When I get things going in VT when ever that might be I think I am gonna invest in a refrigerated tank for just this, then low flows and I can save up concentrate for a few days do bigger boils.
Well finally got some syrup made thursday Trees finally started to let loose. got 325 gallons. so have about 12 gallons made so far. getting there.
came home from work Friday and vac was at 18" couldn't get out right away to get it fixed we had a house showing some folks back for a second look. got out after they left but it was so noisy in the wood walked about 20 feet from a huge branch that snapped and came down on a lateral and it stretched and snapped it was behind a few trees and I didn't see it. walked all over until I finally saw it. got it fixed and back in business. Good freeze again last night should be a good sap day held over 200 gallons from yesterday but would have been more without that branch.
We have another showing this morning at 9 am. then I need to walk the woods again and get the vac up higher. its been running at 25" need it to get back up to at least 27" I think I have a few freeze leaks because it bounces back and forth. down to 25" freezes up and then back up to 27" thaws,....
also need to get more stuff made. Candy is made and coated, cream is made. gotta get some sugar made now that I have syrup again. busy busy busy!!!