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Thread: Northern Ontario 2025

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Corbeil, ON


    Quote Originally Posted by 4Walls View Post
    Hey fellow northerners. Anyone got their taps in? Wondering how the flow was over the past couple of very warm days. My buddies down in Powassan were all set up and has a small run on the first day of the warm up then nothing. I am tapping today. Wish me luck. 670 holes to drill but should be able to scurry across the snow without snowshoes due to the hard freeze last night.
    I tapped March 9th. Yesterday I collected 3L of sap from 62 trees. Not much sap flow yet, hoping it picks up this week. Good luck on your tapping, at least the snow isn't as deep now after the weekend's rain.
    2021 - Year one. 15 taps using 5/16" and drop tube into buckets. Homemade barrel evaporator with 2 steam trays.
    2022. 32 taps. Added AUF.
    2023. 51 taps. Ditched the steam pans for an 18x22 flat pan.
    2024. 56 taps. Built a proper evaporator to fit the 18x22 flat pan and 1 steam pan.
    2025. 62 taps.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    We collected yesterday- maybe pulled a quart of sap per tap.
    Trees seem to be just waking up.
    Kinda surprised given the really warm two we had
    2010 40 buckets- 4 gals finished
    2011 80 buckets- 14 gals finished
    2012 105 buckets- 8 gals finished
    2013 maxed at 130 buckets- 24 gals finished
    2014 new max at 240 buckets- 18 gals finished
    2015 newest max 240 buckets-+48 taps on 3/16 gravity- 22.5 gals finished
    2016 150 taps on 3/16 gravity- 23 gals finished
    2020 250 taps on 3/16 gravity- 22 gals finished
    2021 385 taps on 3/16 gravity 25 gals finished
    2022 385 taps on 3/16 gravity- 26 gals finished

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    French River Ontario


    I tapped west nippissing Thursday and the only trees producing full sap were the two in the full sun but nothing since. Should expect some sap this week.
    Smart on you to wait until after the rain knocked that snow down and refroze
    2019 - Barrel evaporator 2 steam pans 44 taps 13 Liters syrup
    2020 - Barrel evaporator 2 steam pans 51 taps 21 Liters syrup
    2021- New homemade 2x3 evaporator and flat pan 80 drop lines to buckets
    2022- (•,•)1350L naturally ROd sap 44L syrup
    2023- "\_(°•°)_/" 1100L sap 30L syrup not accurate due to natural RO
    2024 { ';' }1862L sap 52L syrup 52 drop lines to buckets

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Corbeil, Ont


    Thank you all for the reply. I was worried I had missed the first run. I typically isolate and pull off the very first sap run and make a specific batch of early early season syrup. It is my daughters favourite. She loves the butter marshmallow flavour.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    French River Ontario


    I got about 150 litres from 68 taps since March 14th that I will boil tomorrow
    2019 - Barrel evaporator 2 steam pans 44 taps 13 Liters syrup
    2020 - Barrel evaporator 2 steam pans 51 taps 21 Liters syrup
    2021- New homemade 2x3 evaporator and flat pan 80 drop lines to buckets
    2022- (•,•)1350L naturally ROd sap 44L syrup
    2023- "\_(°•°)_/" 1100L sap 30L syrup not accurate due to natural RO
    2024 { ';' }1862L sap 52L syrup 52 drop lines to buckets

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Corbeil, ON


    I’m doing my first boil tomorrow as well sitting on 118L of sap.
    2021 - Year one. 15 taps using 5/16" and drop tube into buckets. Homemade barrel evaporator with 2 steam trays.
    2022. 32 taps. Added AUF.
    2023. 51 taps. Ditched the steam pans for an 18x22 flat pan.
    2024. 56 taps. Built a proper evaporator to fit the 18x22 flat pan and 1 steam pan.
    2025. 62 taps.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Corbeil, Ont


    I got 600L of the early season stuff boiled off. Old school. Straight sap. Holy crap it takes a long time at 2% as opposed to 12%. My big 4x40 RO had a crack in the end cap. Just got the replacement part delivered today. Have 950L in the tank and the RO is humming along. No leaks and we are back to making syrup. I will let it concentrate overnight and boil it off tomorrow afternoon. I still have another 220 trees to tap. Should be nice and firm in the bush tomorrow morning. Easy walking. No need for the snowshoes.

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