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Thread: Eastern Ontario 2025

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Grenville


    Hey bitches! I'm back! Tapped today, so glad I waited, originally planned to tap a week ago. Very glad that I didn't.

    Down to 7 trees now, retired #6 last year. But my old standbys still have their usual 3 taps per, and added Surprise to the 3-tap club. So, 17 taps in. As of now there are maybe 5l sitting out there all told but not going to even think of collecting til tomorrow.
    Been tapping since 2008.
    2018 - 17 taps/7 trees...819l sap, approx 28l syrup
    2019 - 18 taps/8 trees...585l sap, 28l syrup...21:1 ratio
    2020 - 18 taps/8 trees...890.04l sap...gave away about 170l, 30l snafu'd....23l total for me from approx 690l
    2021 - 18 taps/8 trees...395l sap, 12 l syrup
    2022 - 18 taps/8 trees....7 sugars 1 red due to #2 having surgery so had the season off....582l sap, 18.5l syrup
    2023 - 18 taps/8 trees...all sugars again. 807l sap, so far approx 14l syrup

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Portland, Ontario


    Slow drip all day Sunday overnight into Monday. Some overflowing buckets, some 1/4 only.. Made some steam Monday to make sure everything was working. Sitting on about 60 gal of sap with -9 overnight last night. Going to break out my shorts for the forecasted 17 on sat and sun
    Batch boiling 100+ taps on my homemade AUF arch
    Family of 7 that puts syrup on everything

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Eastern Ontario


    So I'm anticipating a good run over the next few days... Not trying to sound like an expert on sap flow predictions by any means but based on almost everything I've heard, been told, watched and somewhat learned over the years leaves me (right or wrong...what the hell do I know) a good flow is coming. Indicators are...Forecasted temps, sun and wind direction are favourable... AND the full moon on Friday. Call it witchcraft, hopeless optimism whatever... I'm looking forward to the next few days ! Good luck all !

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