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Thread: Schenectady-Albany-Saratoga Counties

  1. #611
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY


    Busy couple of days! Looks like everyone else was in the same boat. Boiled 200 gallons the last couple of days and probably have 7-8 now that is ready to be bottled. Will be using the RO Bucket filtering and canning system for the first time, sure hope I don't screw up. lol. Carl at RO Bucket is awesome though, always willing to take calls and help and he said we could set up a video call so he can watch me to make sure everything goes smoothly. Sounds like mistakes can be reversed so that is a good feeling.

  2. #612
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Upstate NY


    Let us know how the filtering goes. I didn't know they made a filter setup but looked it up and it seems nice! I just use an inverted cone filter right off the evaporator to filter which works well but I'm always looking for new things to spend money on haha.

  3. #613
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by The Heldeberg Sapper View Post
    Let us know how the filtering goes. I didn't know they made a filter setup but looked it up and it seems nice! I just use an inverted cone filter right off the evaporator to filter which works well but I'm always looking for new things to spend money on haha.
    Will do! Prior to this new system, I would draw off the evaporator and pour into a finishing tank through three filters. That would remove the niter, the problem was reheating the syrup to get it up to density prior to bottling. I would wait until I had 5 or more gallons before bottling to make it more productive.

  4. #614
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Upstate NY


    Quote Originally Posted by MRFNY View Post
    Will do! Prior to this new system, I would draw off the evaporator and pour into a finishing tank through three filters. That would remove the niter, the problem was reheating the syrup to get it up to density prior to bottling. I would wait until I had 5 or more gallons before bottling to make it more productive.
    Gotcha I have a continuous flow pan so I draw off multiple times when it gets to syrup and it always ends up being on the heavy side (on purpose). I filter it right out of the rig into a stock pot where I then slowly reheat for bottling and achieving the proper density. I haven't had any issues with niter reforming but to be safe because I bottle mostly in plastic I always fill an 8oz glass jar so I can make sure that batch doesn't do anything weird. I also mark all of my with a serial number so I can keep track of everything. For example when I bottle tonight everything will be labeled as 25031265. The 25 is the year, 03 is month, 12 is the day, and 65 is the light transmittance from my Hannah digital grader (haven't actually checked this batch yet but am curious how dark it will be). Last year I made all Golden and Amber Syrup, I have a feeling this year will be on the lower end of Amber and getting into Dark Robust.

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