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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #3721
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    I also am trying Bob's Barb spouts this year. It's nice to work with someone who is so knowledgeable and passionate about what they do.
    Remember to keep on ticking while the sap is dripping.
    2016- 50 buckets. Made 4 gallons.
    2022- 3750 taps + Smartrek! Made 1300 gallons.
    2023- 3750 taps after removing a pump house and connected two woods. Made 800 gallons.
    2024- 3750 taps 1384 made.

  2. #3722
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneybc View Post
    Excited to see if there will be any noticeable impact on my typically low sugar content (usually around 1.3-1.5%).
    In our testing during development there was a small increase in sap sugar content using the arc barb spout. This was on vacuum. It was on the order of a few tenths of a point higher.
    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  3. #3723
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by Rastis View Post
    Antimicrobial droplines and spouts sounds interesting. Can you elaborate on the benefits?
    Any improvement in sanitation at the spout and dropline typically will result in an increase in sap yield. Antimicrobials reduce the level of microbes in the taphole, which delays the tree wound response and keeps tapholes flowing at a higher rate for longer. Previous versions of antimicrobial spouts could not be certified for organic maple production (the MVM versions can) and tended to be fairly costly, so the economic benefit was lower.

    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  4. #3724
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lake County Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by DrTimPerkins View Post
    In our testing during development there was a small increase in sap sugar content using the arc barb spout. This was on vacuum. It was on the order of a few tenths of a point higher.
    I'll take it! Bought 300 this year. I've got about 170 zap backs changed out so far. They seem to be well made.
    John Allin

    14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
    Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
    Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
    Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
    CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
    06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
    14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
    Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
    7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.

  5. #3725
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Sheldon VT


    What’s the coldest temperature someone is able to tap? Any thoughts?
    825 Taps
    CDL Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
    H2O Electric Releaser

    2024- 825 taps 17725 gallons of sap
    2023- 825 taps 17325 gallons of sap
    2022- 800 taps 12375 gallons of sap
    2021- 350 taps 3815 gallons of sap

  6. #3726
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Cabot Vermont


    I have tapped below 0 deg f before if I knew the sap was going to run the next week. Do what you have to, to get the job done to get all the sap you can because it takes some time to get the vacuum tightened up.
    Blaisdell's Maple Farm
    started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 with Gramps buckets
    custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
    Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
    4500 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split

  7. #3727
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    Essex Junction, VT


    Finally some above freezing temps! Anything flowing in Vermont yet?
    2024: 28 taps, 7 gallons. RB5 purchased but not opened :-(
    2023: 30 taps, 17 trees, 11 properties, Sugar Maple & Norway. 2x3 flat over propane & kitchen finish. ~11(!) gallons.
    2022: 9 taps, 5 trees, 4 properties. 3 hotel pans on 3 Coleman 2-burner stoves burning gasoline; kitchen finish. ~3 gallons.
    2021: 2 taps, 1 sugar maple. Propane grill then kitchen finish. ~Pint.
    All years: mainly 5/16" drops into free supermarket frosting buckets. Some plastic sap buckets hanging on 5/16 sap-meister.

  8. #3728
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thetford, VT


    We were flowing while tapping yesterday in the Upper Valley.
    Tapping since 1985 (four generations back to early to mid 1900s). 200-250 taps on buckets and then tubing in the mid 90s. 2013- 275 taps w/sap puller 25 gal. 2014-295 taps w/sap puller 55 ga. (re-tapped to vacuum theory) 2015-330 taps full vac. 65 gal, 2016-400 taps 105 gal, 2017-400 taps 95 gal. 2018-additional 800' mainline and maybe 400 new taps for a total near 800 taps. 2x6 Leader WSE (last year on it) supported by a 250 gph RO.

  9. #3729
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Washington County, VT


    Wind, snow depth, and some serious cold last weekend, have this current run a bit underwhelming. Next week looks like ideal sap weather for northern and central VT.
    173 on 3/16 natural vac for 2023
    36 buckets
    2 x 5 Smoky Lake Hybrid pan on a custom arch
    RB25 from RO Bucket
    12x24 salvaged sugarhouse built by wife's grandpa
    1965 Massey Ferguson 165 tractor to haul sap.

  10. #3730
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Northeast Vermont


    the sap flow today is certainly underwhelming but expected with the weather we've had this winter. i got about the same flow from last weeks warm up. just enough to make you think, "ok, here we go" but at the end of the day... nope. next week certainly looks like the start of the season!
    Awfully thankful for an understanding wife!

    “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
    - Vincent “Vince” Lombardi

    Good luck to all!

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