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Thread: insurance Costs in 2025

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Catskill Mts, Ulster County NY

    Default insurance Costs in 2025

    How is everyone making out with insurance this year? My Special Farm Package policy with American National went up by about 20%. My agent says it's tough out there, and some insurers are pulling out of this market. He says he has never seen anything like it. I'm a small time producer (50 gallons roughly) and what I sell doesn't really amount to much. Now with my insurance increasing by over $500 really makes me wonder if continuing my operation makes financial sense. I'm, and I suspect many others, are not in it solely for the money. I'm sure I'd be closing down otherwise.
    Gary / Zena Crossroads / 42˚ 00' 24" N / Hobby in Early '70s, Addiction since 2014

    175+ taps on 3/16 (60 of which are on two Lunchbox Vac/Releasers)
    12x34 timber framed sap house w/attached 10x34 shed roof for storage
    2 x 6 Smoky Lake hybrid pan on Corsair arch with AUF/steam hood/preheater/concentric exhaust
    7.0 KW Sun Power PV System, Smokey Lake Filter Press/Steam Bottler, Modified NGMP RO - 2 4x40 posts 200 gph

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hopkinton, MA


    I'll know in April when my policy is up for renewal. If it is anything like the auto rate increase I was hit with last July, it won't be good. My original company almost tripled the premium. I worked with an agent that shopped around and found another company where we could get down to about double. That was the best we could do.

    Unfortunately, it's just the cost of doing business. The only thing worse than really expensive insurance is not having insurance at all. Time to dust off those expansion plans!
    Woodville Maples
    Around 300 taps on tubing, 25+ on buckets if I put them out
    Mix of natural and mechanical vac, S3 Controller from Mountain Maple
    2x6 W.F. Mason with Phaneuf pans
    Deer Run 250 RO
    Ford F350
    6+ hives of bees (if they make it through the winters)
    Keeping the day job until I can start living the dream.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Our insurance is what i would consider high, but its only expensive until you need it.
    Seldom Seen Farm
    Montville Ohio.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    New Hartford, N.Y.


    Our Farm & Family house/sugarhouse policy went up 27%. When questioned, the agent said the increase wasn't for the sugarhouse, it was because of the increase in cost to replace the house and its contents.

    Regardless of the explanations, I agree, it's getting harder and harder for smaller producers. It's not good...

    2014 Upgrades!: 24x40 sugarhouse & 30"x10' Lapierre welded pans, wood fired w/ forced draft, homemade hood & preheater
    400 taps- half on gravity 5/16, half on gravity 3/16
    Airablo R.O. machine - in the house basement!
    Ford F-350 4x4 sap gatherer
    An assortment of barrels, cage tanks & bulk tanks- with one operational for cooling/holding concentrate
    And a few puzzled neighbors...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Catskill Mts, Ulster County NY


    Indeed it is.

    As a one man show, there is just so far I can go to increase my production, but I am looking into it. I'd like the operation to break even, or be self sufficient when it comes to expenses (maybe cover my labor!) while retaining price comparability with my fellow local producers.

    I would not run without insurance, although I'm sure some do, or don't realize that their homeowner's insurance may not cover their commercial operation (like I used to until my agent enlightened me). Plus there is the liability of selling out of my home, and the food product liability. Lots to consider.

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