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Thread: Safe temp to pull off sweet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Goffstown, NH

    Default Safe temp to pull off sweet

    I always wait till the evaporator is cold to the touch before I pull off into food grade 5 gallon pails and put into the chilled holding tank room. I was told my pans would warp if the syrup was at all warm when we emptied it. What does everyone else do?
    Hillcrest Maples
    2024- 200 on Guzzler, new home built 2 post, SL vac filter
    2023-100 on Shurflo, new 2 Post 4x40 RO Bucket
    2022- 150 on Shurflo, new 16x36 Sugar House and 18x48 Vision, Dual RB 25's RO's
    2021- 150 on Shurflo, home made arch under 18x40 cdl pan, RB 20 RO
    2020- 99 On Shurflo home made arch under 18x40 cdl pan
    2019- 10 buckets, steam pan on grill
    2018- 5 spiles into milk jugs, stove top, caught the maple bug hard.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    Quote Originally Posted by Hillcrest Maples View Post
    I always wait till the evaporator is cold to the touch before I pull off into food grade 5 gallon pails and put into the chilled holding tank room. I was told my pans would warp if the syrup was at all warm when we emptied it. What does everyone else do?
    Your pan will warp if you empty it when there's still heat in your arch. If I need to empty the pan I let the fire die out. No boil (but still hot) in the pan. Open the valve to drain the pan down to maybe a 1/4 inch. Then lift the pan and turn it sideways, so it sits on the arch, sideways, and doesn't get much heat. Tip the pan to get the rest out until it's dry. Add 1/4 inch of water in the pan, and then set it back onto the evaporator and cover it.

    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Cabot Vermont


    I have oil, after I turn the burner off, I empty my pans as soon as the boil stops. I have never had any issues. I have found that the sweet runs out better than when the pans are cold. I throw the hose in the front pan to clean the niter off and let the spring water run through it all night and the next day my front pan is clean and ready to go.
    Blaisdell's Maple Farm
    started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 with Gramps buckets
    custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
    Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
    4500 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Corbeil, ON


    My pan is small, 18x22 so I lift it off to a shelf near the evaporator to drain it. I have a steel plate to cover the opening to keep the fire in the evaporator. If your pan is larger I've seen people make a support with pipes or angles to slide the pan off the evaporator to drain the pan.
    2021 - Year one. 15 taps using 5/16" and drop tube into buckets. Homemade barrel evaporator with 2 steam trays.
    2022. 32 taps. Added AUF.
    2023. 51 taps. Ditched the steam pans for an 18x22 flat pan.
    2024. 56 taps. Built a proper evaporator to fit the 18x22 flat pan and 1 steam pan.
    2025. 62 taps.

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