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Thread: Tapped in Westfield

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


    I usually shoot for the week of school vacation, or the week after depending on sports for the kids and plans for the vacation week. I have some new trees to tap this year and created a vacuum filter so eager for the season. Have a great season!

    2019 Cinderblock stove and 3 buffet pans. 10 taps
    2020 Wood stove with flat pan. 13 taps - 3.5 gallons of syrup
    2021 Wood Stove with flat pan. 15 taps - 4 gallons of syrup
    2022 Wood stove with new flat pan. 10 taps - 4 gallons of syrup
    2023 Same set-up. 10 taps - 4 .5 gallons of syrup
    2024 10 taps - under 2 gallons

  2. #102
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Savoy, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Stack View Post
    Welcome to 2025 Everyone.

    Aiming to be ready to go the first weekend in Feb and going back to 50 taps this season. Long term forecast was showing an ice box through the 20th but now says things could open up sooner so now our watch begins. Hope everyone had a great holiday season and an even better sugarin season coming up.
    Over here in Savoy at 2,000' elevation I am always a full month behind you guys. But looking forward to a great season.

    The trails to my sugarbush run through a spruce/fir swamp, and when I don't have adequate snowpack my trails become unusable. Last year the snow was gone 3 weeks into the season and we had to shut down early.

    We had a 3 acre hemlock/spruce/fir stand logged Last winter and over the summer I spent a lot of time cutting to length and hauling all of the "rat tails" to the wet areas on my trails and laying down hundreds of feet of corduroy. I probably moved 200 8' poles. So I will now be able to navigate out to the sugarbush without tearing up the trails if the snow melts. That's my one big improvement for 2025.

    Looking forward to hearing about everybody's season.
    16x24 Timber Frame Sugar House
    Mason 2x4 Evaporator
    90 trees on buckets

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    Quote Originally Posted by bigschuss View Post
    Over here in Savoy at 2,000' elevation I am always a full month behind you guys. But looking forward to a great season.

    The trails to my sugarbush run through a spruce/fir swamp, and when I don't have adequate snowpack my trails become unusable. Last year the snow was gone 3 weeks into the season and we had to shut down early.

    We had a 3 acre hemlock/spruce/fir stand logged Last winter and over the summer I spent a lot of time cutting to length and hauling all of the "rat tails" to the wet areas on my trails and laying down hundreds of feet of corduroy. I probably moved 200 8' poles. So I will now be able to navigate out to the sugarbush without tearing up the trails if the snow melts. That's my one big improvement for 2025.

    Looking forward to hearing about everybody's season.
    That's great news! Hoping the weather allows you a nice long season, now you're prepared for it!

    At 8 or 900 feet, I'm way ahead of you, but well behind many here. The long term forecast is making it more and more likely I'll be tapping around Feb 8. I still have a little work to do to get ready (putting drop tubes together) but aside from that I just need to pull my gear together and watch the forecast with bated breath.

    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Westfield, MA


    Looking like next week might be out. Forecast shows closer to the 16th-17th now.
    2025 - Back to 50 taps.
    2024 - Ended with 33 taps and another pancake breakfast
    2023 - 25 taps. 9 Gallons and lots of sugar sand. 35 people over for breakfast
    2022 - 8 x 14 sugarhouse and a steam bottler. 50 buckets! 9 Gallons syrup and 4 pounds of sugar
    2021 - 20 x 30 Mason arch, 34 taps and 8 gallons. Dad hooked too.
    2020 - 2 taps, 1/2 pint on a turkey fryer

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Stack View Post
    Looking like next week might be out. Forecast shows closer to the 16th-17th now.
    Too soon to say. I'll decide on Weds or Thurs.

    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    That being said, the two week forecast now looks bad - too cold. Earlier they were saying average to warm, for the same time period. Well, maybe it'll change again. We'll see. My yard trees are gushing pretty well right now though. Big difference between western Boston Suburbs and foothill towns, though. Very possible I won't tap until Feb 18 - 22 this year.

    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    Starting to look like 2019, when I didn't tap until March 10. Hope this cold doesn't last that long...

    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Nov 2021


    Looks like it’s going to be a quick season. Next weekend looks to be the start of the season.

    Anyone out there seeing something different?

    QUOTE=berkshires;416690]Starting to look like 2019, when I didn't tap until March 10. Hope this cold doesn't last that long...


  9. #109
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Westfield, MA


    Friday or Saturday are looking good!
    2025 - Back to 50 taps.
    2024 - Ended with 33 taps and another pancake breakfast
    2023 - 25 taps. 9 Gallons and lots of sugar sand. 35 people over for breakfast
    2022 - 8 x 14 sugarhouse and a steam bottler. 50 buckets! 9 Gallons syrup and 4 pounds of sugar
    2021 - 20 x 30 Mason arch, 34 taps and 8 gallons. Dad hooked too.
    2020 - 2 taps, 1/2 pint on a turkey fryer

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    It'll be colder up in the hill towns, but I'm going to keep an eye out. The forecast is starting to look like next weekend *might* be the time for me too.

    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

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