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Thread: RO membrane storage question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Default RO membrane storage question

    So I'm looking for a little advice.

    During the 2023 season, I built a DIY RO system with a 4x40 membrane. It worked incredibly well and saved me hours upon hours of boiling time. Then at the end of the season I cleaned the membrane with food grade lye, flushed it with clean water, then put it in a PVC cannister with sodium metabisulfite for storage. 2024 season came around and when I opened the cannister it practically smelled like a smelling salt. I assumed I did something wrong and ruined the membrane. So I bought a new one. After the 2024 season I cleaned everything again, but purchased "RO Membrane Storage Solution" from Roth Sugarbush. I mixed up the solution and it smelled the same as the year before.

    So my question is, is this common, and I just need to flush the membrane at the beginning of the season with lots of water to get the smell out? I don't want that smell to affect the final product.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    North Grenville, Ontario


    A strong take your breath away smell is a good sign the solution is working. Means the sodium metabisulphate is working and still active.
    I rinse my 4x40’s with about 200 gallons of soft well water after I put them in the RO for the first
    Time of
    The season. I’ve never had an issue with them. I’m sure like 50 gallons would be ok too. Dosnt take much to flush them out.
    600 taps on vacuum
    Lapierre mechanical Releaser
    CDL electric releaser
    2.5 x 10 CDL Venturi ( new for the 2024 season )
    Home made modulating auto draw off
    Homemade RO 2 x 4" membranes
    CDL 16 x 16 bottler
    Wesfab 7" filter press
    Delaval 73 vacuum pumps

    12 hives of bees

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Corbeil, Ont


    Not sure if Im doing it right but on my 5th season with the 4x40 redneck build. Still seem to be working very well. I flush with soft well water. Then recerc a solution of peroxide through it for about half an hour with warm water. Then flush again and store in a light solution of citric acid. Mine smells like oranges when I start up and flush before first use in the spring.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    1320 Lebanon Rd. Bagdad, Ky


    Not sure my method applies, but end of season I flush with PH balanced sodium hydroxide, flush with water, flush with citric acid flush with water, store in sodium metabisulfite. Each flush cycle is a 10 minute on, 10 minute soak for 30 minutes each with the chemicals. Start of season, just flush with clean water till preservative smell is gone, then some more.
    1st year tapped 5 trees, boiled in pans on rock fire - really smokey taste
    2021 - 20 taps - 4 Gal on barrel stove and pans
    2022 - 9.1 Gal - 41 taps this year. 14 + 7 on 3/16" gravity vacuum. 20 in buckets/bags. DIY RO system - 2/3 water gone - amazing.
    2023 - 59 taps: 25 on 3/16" vacuum line/pump, 30 on 3/16" natural vacuum, 4 on bags. New 2x3 Badgerland pan anxious to try.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    North Grenville, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by 4Walls View Post
    Not sure if Im doing it right but on my 5th season with the 4x40 redneck build. Still seem to be working very well. I flush with soft well water. Then recerc a solution of peroxide through it for about half an hour with warm water. Then flush again and store in a light solution of citric acid. Mine smells like oranges when I start up and flush before first use in the spring.
    First time I’ve ever heard of a membrane being stored in an acid solution. And flushed with peroxide ? Is this instructions from the manufacturer ?
    600 taps on vacuum
    Lapierre mechanical Releaser
    CDL electric releaser
    2.5 x 10 CDL Venturi ( new for the 2024 season )
    Home made modulating auto draw off
    Homemade RO 2 x 4" membranes
    CDL 16 x 16 bottler
    Wesfab 7" filter press
    Delaval 73 vacuum pumps

    12 hives of bees

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