Bagdad KY tapping
Tapped 60 trees 3 days ago. Got about 15 gal sap total. Looking forward to the 40's for high temps. Hope to get enough sap for KMSA Maple Day Feb 1. Geoff
1st year tapped 5 trees, boiled in pans on rock fire - really smokey taste
2021 - 20 taps - 4 Gal on barrel stove and pans
2022 - 9.1 Gal - 41 taps this year. 14 + 7 on 3/16" gravity vacuum. 20 in buckets/bags. DIY RO system - 2/3 water gone - amazing.
2023 - 59 taps: 25 on 3/16" vacuum line/pump, 30 on 3/16" natural vacuum, 4 on bags. New 2x3 Badgerland pan anxious to try.