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Thread: 2024 Ohio Maple Days

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Putnam County, Ohio

    Default 2024 Ohio Maple Days

    I have been to the last two Maple Days held in Ashland (2022 & 2023) on the first weekend in December. Each time, I took away something that helped me improve going forward. Last weekend was no different. Although I have only been there for the Saturday program, I again found information I will use this coming season. A good list of topics - with good food too. I'll have it on the calendar for next year. I don't know if I talked to anyone else reading this on Saturday - no MapleTrader names on the name tags.
    RC Maple

    14X14 sugarhouse
    RO Bucket - RB10
    2x3 barrel evaporator with continuous flow pan
    55 taps - most on buckets

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Southern Ohio


    Glad you had a good day RC. I went for many years, but when they moved it to Ashland I quit going. That move added another hour plus to my drive. I was pleased they started doing it in December instead of mid January. Us Southern Ohio producers found the late January dates frustrating as our season had already started and we'd have to leave the sugar house a day to attend. I would enjoy going and mingling again, but it become a very long day for me. I still think that southern Ohio producers are kind of left out, but I also understand most of the producers are in NE Ohio. I know some southern producers are associating more with the West Va producers. I think that's appropriate as our seasons are more aligned. It seems the registration fees have gone up significantly since OSU took over too, but everything cost more. I don't suppose I will ever go again since I have decided to slow up and only make for personal use and family and friends. Maybe some of the presentations will show up on line.
    125-150 taps
    Smokey Lakes Full pint Hybrid pan
    Modified half pint arch
    Air over fire
    All 3/16 tubing
    Southern Ohio

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Putnam County, Ohio


    "I was pleased they started doing it in December instead of mid-January"

    I like having the meeting in December as well. I had thought about going to one of the meetings before, but like you, time and distance made it hard to pull the trigger. I was looking to see if anyone commented on the event and noticed it had been a while since it showed up on a thread.
    RC Maple

    14X14 sugarhouse
    RO Bucket - RB10
    2x3 barrel evaporator with continuous flow pan
    55 taps - most on buckets

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