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Thread: Mainline density

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Niagara, Ontario

    Default Mainline density

    Sorry if this has been gone over, I just havent found it. but what is the difference between 20P, 25P, and 30P? is there different times you should use one or the other?

    230ish taps on double Guzzler vacuum 25-27" Hg with two sap ladders

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Oneida NY


    The only one I'm familiar with is 30P, I have no idea what 20P or 25P might be. I've also only noticed the 30P on Leader tubing.
    Dave Klish, I recently bought a 2x6 wood fired evaporator from A&A Sheet Metal which I will be converting to oil fired
    Now have solar, 2x6 finish pan, 5 bank 7x7 filter press, large water jacketed bottler, and tankless water heater.
    Recently bought another Gingerich RO, this one was a 125, but a second membrane was added thus is a 250, like I had.
    After running a 2x3, a 2x6, 3x8 tapping from 79 taps up to 1320 all woodfired, now I'm going to a 2x6 oil fired and a 200-425 taps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Nashville, MI


    If you type in difference between 20p and 30p maple tubing into google search you will find a heading that will refer you back to mapletrader and explain the differences.
    2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
    2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
    2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
    2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
    made 17 gal. syrup
    2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
    2021 - Didn't work out
    2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Niagara, Ontario


    I find this link is the google search, which just talks about fittings coming loose


    230ish taps on double Guzzler vacuum 25-27" Hg with two sap ladders

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Nashville, MI


    Try this - difference between 20p and 30p maple tubing information. It should take you right to the mapletrader discussion about the tubing. Select the Mainline Density - Maple Trader.com
    2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
    2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
    2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
    2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
    made 17 gal. syrup
    2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
    2021 - Didn't work out
    2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start

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