Congrats on a good season Brian, pushing 0.5g/tap is a big feat!
Congrats on a good season Brian, pushing 0.5g/tap is a big feat!
305 taps on 2 Shurflo's, 31 taps on 3/16" and 229 taps on gravity. 565 in all
Mountain Maple S3 controller for 145 of the vacuum taps
2x6 Darveau Mystique Oil Fired Evaporator w/ Smoky Lake Simplicity Auto Draw
Wesfab 7” filter press
The worst year was 2015 we only made 700 gallons. The snow was so deep, we never started tapping until the 15-18 of march and that season was over april 7. It was fall before I got all the maple venders paid off. I called them and made payments and no one complained and they still give me credit at times.
Blaisdell's Maple Farm
started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 and now
custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
4600 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split
The peepers are out tonight so that is it, the season is over. Thanks, It was a great year!!
Blaisdell's Maple Farm
started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 and now
custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
4600 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split
Congratulations on a great season. That’s always an awesome feeling when it happens.
Sugaring for 45+ years
New Sugarhouse 14'x32'
New to Me Algier 2'x8' wood fired evaporator
2022 added a used RB25 RO Bucket
250 mostly Sugar Maples, 15% Soft Maples. Currently,(110on 3/16" and 125 on Shurflo 4008 vacuum, 15 gravity), (16,000 before being disabled)
1947 Farmall H and Wagon with gathering tank
2012 Kubota with forks to move wood around
Getting ready to wash pipeline this sat, then the next sat, and hopfully be done after that. The clean up takes a while, the sugar house looks like a bomb went off getting things sorted and put away. The pans are clean and throwing out the membrains and going to get new ones these are 8 yrs old and starting to slow down. Time to speed her up!!
Blaisdell's Maple Farm
started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 and now
custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
4600 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split
Well I got every thing fixed that I could see after all the rain and bad weather we had this year. I lost at least 10-15 trees and had some mainlines get smashed. I don't know how many taps I lost but that is the way it goes. Some people lost every thing they owned so I feel pretty greatful that I only lost a few trees.
Blaisdell's Maple Farm
started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 and now
custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
4600 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split
The last pump shack that had all the lead free valves and fittings got replaced with stainless valves and fittings. What was legal last year is now not. I guess no copper, no brass, even lead free. All fittings must be plastic or stainless, also some pvc is not legal for sugaring.
What a waste of money. This fall I changed out 5 2" Lf brass valves to ss, 2 1.5", 4 1", 15 3/4, 6-1/2 valves. Not to mention all the nipples and male adaptors.
Blaisdell's Maple Farm
started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 and now
custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
4600 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split
That's a lot of extra work Brian, but sounds like you're getting on it!
305 taps on 2 Shurflo's, 31 taps on 3/16" and 229 taps on gravity. 565 in all
Mountain Maple S3 controller for 145 of the vacuum taps
2x6 Darveau Mystique Oil Fired Evaporator w/ Smoky Lake Simplicity Auto Draw
Wesfab 7” filter press
Does anyone have a copy or referance for these new regulations. I'll need to change plenty. I have several lead free brass valves in my evaporator. Sounds like I'll need to switch to SS sonner than later. I had planned to convert over the next 2 seasons about half each year. Now I guess it'll be all before any syrup is made.
Dave Klish, I recently bought a 2x6 wood fired evaporator from A&A Sheet Metal which I will be converting to oil fired
Now have solar, 2x6 finish pan, 5 bank 7x7 filter press, large water jacketed bottler, and tankless water heater.
Recently bought another Gingerich RO, this one was a 125, but a second membrane was added thus is a 250, like I had.
After running a 2x3, a 2x6, 3x8 tapping from 79 taps up to 1320 all woodfired, now I'm going to a 2x6 oil fired and a 200-425 taps.
Sugaring for 45+ years
New Sugarhouse 14'x32'
New to Me Algier 2'x8' wood fired evaporator
2022 added a used RB25 RO Bucket
250 mostly Sugar Maples, 15% Soft Maples. Currently,(110on 3/16" and 125 on Shurflo 4008 vacuum, 15 gravity), (16,000 before being disabled)
1947 Farmall H and Wagon with gathering tank
2012 Kubota with forks to move wood around