Is anyone else anxious after looking at the 10 day forecast that we are looking at a very early budding of the trees?
Is anyone else anxious after looking at the 10 day forecast that we are looking at a very early budding of the trees?
825 Taps
CDL Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
H2O Electric Releaser
2024- 825 taps 17725 gallons of sap
2023- 825 taps 17325 gallons of sap
2022- 800 taps 12375 gallons of sap
2021- 350 taps 3815 gallons of sap
I’m hoping after the next couple of weeks, we will have winter again for a while. It’s still very early. My sap normally runs till April 20th or close to it. I’m thinking it’s going to be a great year.
Tapped our ~45 trees in Underhill yesterday. Was running a bit at ~30 deg and sunny.
45 Taps on natural vacuum and buckets
2x4 XL Mason with blower
Where in Underhill are you from? I grew up on English Settlement Road, on the valley side.
Surprised today- no run at all. It hit 43 degrees but the trees didn’t let go. Should be a big run tomorrow and Wednesday.
825 Taps
CDL Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
H2O Electric Releaser
2024- 825 taps 17725 gallons of sap
2023- 825 taps 17325 gallons of sap
2022- 800 taps 12375 gallons of sap
2021- 350 taps 3815 gallons of sap
Yikes, the one big silver maple we tap has buds opening a bit. That's one full month earlier than last year for the same tree. So, we'll skip that tree this year. 5 tapped so far. I was going to tap the norways a week or so after the rest but once I saw buds on a silver, we're going for everything. Tapping the remainder starting in the morning. Hope the coming warm spell is short! It will freeze slightly tonight.
2024: 28 taps, 7 gallons. RB5 purchased but not opened :-(
2023: 30 taps, 17 trees, 11 properties, Sugar Maple & Norway. 2x3 flat over propane & kitchen finish. ~11(!) gallons.
2022: 9 taps, 5 trees, 4 properties. 3 hotel pans on 3 Coleman 2-burner stoves burning gasoline; kitchen finish. ~3 gallons.
2021: 2 taps, 1 sugar maple. Propane grill then kitchen finish. ~Pint.
All years: mainly 5/16" drops into free supermarket frosting buckets. Some plastic sap buckets hanging on 5/16 sap-meister.
I never turned the pump on yesterday. The wind is blowing this morning but I will be turning the pump on at 6:30. With the kids being off from school this week, we are going to chase leaks later today. Trying to get tight before asap.
Spud, I'm over on the other side on the Northern end of Rt 15. In the summer I do occasionally take the "shortcut" over to Underhill Center via Poker Hill and English Settlement.
Didn't have much in the tank yesterday at 5pm, but it was running well at that point and I had full vacuum at the top of my natural vac lines.
45 Taps on natural vacuum and buckets
2x4 XL Mason with blower
Chasing leaks today. Got vacuum to 26 at the releaser. I have one more section to check but it will have to wait till tomorrow. Sap is running 275 gph.
We ended up with 1.6 gpt from the past 24 hrs.
45 Taps on natural vacuum and buckets
2x4 XL Mason with blower