Spotty Flow
Tapped 55 trees 12/29. I've had concentrate in my freezer, in a snow bank, on ice and just now had enough to sweeten my pan and make 3/4 gal . Hope the weather settles in and starts being winter.........don't like the 55-60 deg. days.
1st year tapped 5 trees, boiled in pans on rock fire - really smokey taste
2021 - 20 taps - 4 Gal on barrel stove and pans
2022 - 9.1 Gal - 41 taps this year. 14 + 7 on 3/16" gravity vacuum. 20 in buckets/bags. DIY RO system - 2/3 water gone - amazing.
2023 - 59 taps: 25 on 3/16" vacuum line/pump, 30 on 3/16" natural vacuum, 4 on bags. New 2x3 Badgerland pan anxious to try.