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Thread: Had an issue with tapping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Berrien Center, MI

    Default Had an issue with tapping

    I put a 5/16" section of tubing on my 5/16" tapping bit to limit taphole depth. I set it up so I would have a taphole depth of 1 3/4" (includes bark). Unfortunately, upon finishing tapping over two days, I noticed the tubing section had slid down and made the taphole depth 2 3/4". I think this happened gradually so it's not like half my tapholes are at 2 3/4" depth but I wasn't paying attention. I did notice the tapping was getting harder but I thought maybe it was the bit getting dull which seemed strange because we had only used it for 200 taps over a few years. I probably should have stopped and examined the situation but I had never had anything happen like it before. Looking at the tapping bit, it seems like they designed the bit to be harder to drill past about 2 1/2".

    I double checked in the 3rd ed. of the North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual. Tapholes on for buckets are drilled 2-2 1/2" into the trees. The reason to limit taphole depth is to prevent from encountering a previously tapped area or heartwood. All the shavings I saw were good wood and I stayed true to my tapping pattern. So being an extra 1/4" deep, while not ideal, should be ok?

    Just hadn't had this happen before so I wanted some advice. Thanks!
    Daniel & Eleanor Bliese
    Heritage Woods, LLC
    SW Michigan

    Smoky Lake 2x4 raised flue on Corsair arch
    The RO Bucket 80gph Single Post
    100 taps on buckets

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Albion PA


    Should not be a big issue. They do make a collar to set screw on to the bit. We just drill by feel. Our old maples have a inch of thick bark on them. Your doing good!
    Keep boiling!
    Casbohm Maple and Honey
    625 roadside taps + Neighbors bring some sap too!
    3x10 King, WRU, AOF and AUF
    12" SIRO Filter Press.
    2015 Ford F250 PSD sap hauler
    One Golden named Maggie, Norwegian Forest Cat named Lucy
    Too many Cub Cadets
    Ford Jubilee and several Allis WD's, and IH tractors
    1932 Ford AAB ton and a half, dump truck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Nashville, MI


    Daniel, what I have found that works for me is to use a piece of 5/16's tubing, as you did. What I do is place the bit into the drill motor then the tubing goes all the way to the bottom against the drill motor. You should then only have 2'' protruding and the rest covered by the tubing.
    2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
    2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
    2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
    2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
    made 17 gal. syrup
    2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
    2021 - Didn't work out
    2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Nashville, MI


    Wondering how you were doing Chris?
    2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
    2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
    2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
    2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
    made 17 gal. syrup
    2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
    2021 - Didn't work out
    2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Berrien Center, MI


    Pdiamond, I had thought of your method...only after I was done tapping and realized my mistake. But I'll plan on using it next year!
    Daniel & Eleanor Bliese
    Heritage Woods, LLC
    SW Michigan

    Smoky Lake 2x4 raised flue on Corsair arch
    The RO Bucket 80gph Single Post
    100 taps on buckets

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2023


    I mark the bit with both a black and silver sharpie so I can see it. But it probably isn't as good as tubing if you are going fast.

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