Well Congratulations sir, and welcome to the world of retirement and more work than you ever thought you had before. Any big plans?
Well Congratulations sir, and welcome to the world of retirement and more work than you ever thought you had before. Any big plans?
2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
made 17 gal. syrup
2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
2021 - Didn't work out
2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start
Thank you. Two grandchildren (6 monts and 2.5 yrs) will be keeping me busy I suspect. Daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren are moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan, in July. Son-in-law just accepted a Pediatric Gastroenterologist Physician position at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital at U. Mich, so we might just follow them (move there) in a year or two after they get settled in. We're actually vacationing/visiting them in Cincinnati from Jan-Feb before sugaring season kicks in. Hope to do more travel in places other than just the northeast and north central states in December-JanuaryMore pleasure reading...maybe some fishing.
Dr. Tim Perkins
UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr
Make sure when you come to Michigan you spend the money on a charter, and either fish for walleye on the St. Clair river/Lake Erie or go fishing for salmon on Lake Michigan. If you have several friends to go and split the cost it really isn't that expensive.
2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
made 17 gal. syrup
2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
2021 - Didn't work out
2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start
I plan on tapping next warm spell after middle of Feb.
Dr tim, I've been looking for the study results of boiling sugar maple vs red maple sap and can't seem to find it. Interested what the results showed
On another note, we're tapping this weekend, hoping to be half tapped by mid week for the warm up, probably won't be anything major but a good chance to tighten everything up!! Good luck!!
18x30 sugarshack
5100 taps high vac
3x10 inferno with steampan
7'' wes fab filter press
10'' cdl air filter press
D&G 3 post reverse osmosis w/recirculation
This is available so far. I don't think the flavor testing results have been published yet, although they've been presented at some conferences. It takes some time to analyze the results, organize things, write them up, then wait for them to come out.
It'll take a good bit of warm weather to warm things up after the freeze we just had.On another note, we're tapping this weekend, hoping to be half tapped by mid week for the warm up, probably won't be anything major but a good chance to tighten everything up!! Good luck!!
Good luck to all for a great 2023 season.
Dr. Tim Perkins
UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr
Tapped, vacuum on, and now checking for leaks.
Ken & Sherry
Williston, VT
16x34 Sugarhouse
1,500 taps on high vacuum, Electric Releaser & CDL Sap Lifter
Wood-Fired Leader 30"x10' Vortex Arch & Max Raised Flue with Rev Syrup Pan & CDL1200 RO
Cool! Let us know when you're flowing! Trying to decide when to tap for buckets over in Essex Junction. I figure if someone from Williston says sap is flowing, it is definitely time!
My plan was to aim for Feb 20 and then go plus or minus a week or two according to weather. Right now I'm thinking it will be minus.
Just did 50 taps and all are flowing in Randolph Vt.