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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #3231
    Join Date
    Jan 2021


    Because of covid I'm downsizing as a backyarder. I won't be seeing my friends and family anytime soon. Mailing it is just too expensive.
    I'll probably only make 4-5gal this year.

  2. #3232
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Albany, Vermont

    Default When Are Backyarders Tapping in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom?

    I'm thinking of tapping a few hundred trees this season and would love to know when I should plan on tapping? I'll be using the blue bag system on each tree.

    I'll be selling the sap. What is the expected price for sap?
    2023 - 2' X 6' Smoky Lake Products "Silverplate" evaporator + Increase taps up to 500
    2022 - 295 Sap Sak taps - Sold sap.
    2017-2021 - Didn't tap.
    2016 - 150 Sap Sak taps - Sold sap.


  3. #3233
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Rutland, Vermont


    Replacing all our 3/16 line to a more traditional mainline and 5/16 install. Almost done with that then to the sugar house to finish installing the new evaporator. Time is to short!
    CDL 2.5*8 Venturi with all the bells
    Leader Clear 5 bank filter press
    Memprotec 350H RO
    600ish taps and looking for more.

  4. #3234
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeAgain View Post
    I'm thinking of tapping a few hundred trees this season and would love to know when I should plan on tapping? I'll be using the blue bag system on each tree.

    I'll be selling the sap. What is the expected price for sap?
    Price for sap is a little hard to predict because it would depend on the seller and buyer. If i were putting a couple hundred bags out id wait until sap was already running.

  5. #3235
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Saratoga, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by VTnewguy View Post
    Replacing all our 3/16 line to a more traditional mainline and 5/16 install. Almost done with that then to the sugar house to finish installing the new evaporator. Time is to short!
    I'm curious why you are changing back to 5/16? Did you find the 3/16 got gunked up or lost productivity? I've heard that from other, large producers near us here in NY.
    2015: 8 bucket taps (7 red, 1 sugar) on DIY barrel evaporator
    2016: 13 taps (bucket and tube) on block arch and hotel pans
    2017: SAME
    2018: 25 taps on 2x3 flat pan and resurrected barrel arch
    2019: 25 taps...same setup plus DIY 3x150gpd RO filter
    2020: 50 taps, all buckets..."new" oil tank arch setup
    2021: 100 taps (50/50 buckets/3-16 tubing) on 2x4 divided pan
    2022: 150 taps (50/100 b/t) on 2x4 pan with sap warmer pan
    2023: SAME
    2024: 150 taps, added single-post 4x40 RO system

  6. #3236
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Rutland, Vermont


    There was a decline in productivity the last couple of years. When we first started it was all on gravity and the sugarbush is nice and steep. As we went along and started adding vacuum the 5/16 seemed the way to go. 3/16 works for sure, and I wouldn't hesitate to put more out. Just need to realistic on it's expectations. Couple hundred taps probably no problem, bigger than that, I would look at different methods.
    CDL 2.5*8 Venturi with all the bells
    Leader Clear 5 bank filter press
    Memprotec 350H RO
    600ish taps and looking for more.

  7. #3237
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    NEK VT.


    My trees are combined with my neighbor's who has a much larger operation, so I only help with gathering 300 buckets, or so. At the end of last year, I was thinking of other things I could do since I'm not involved with the boiling, so I decided to create a website. We all enjoy going out to the buckets throughout the day and seeing how the sap is running, so I decided to automate the process and put the data on a website. There are several different web pages that will show the sap flow in real time throughout the season. I will also add daily sugar content measurements, and the details of each gather and boil. Anyone interested can follow along at www.howsitrunning.com, any comments on the site would also be appreciated...

  8. #3238
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by HowsItRunning View Post
    Anyone interested can follow along at www.howsitrunning.com, any comments on the site would also be appreciated...
    Interesting website. Tim Wilmot (retired UVM PMRC/Extension) had a real-time maple temperature/pressure/flow system set up for about a decade at PMRC called TREEMET. We used it internally to know when the sap was running but realized that a lot of people were watching it after it went down one day and our phone started ringing with people asking when it would be back up.

    It is no longer active, but you can see it on the internet archive at: https://web.archive.org/web/20101213...M=cammenu.html (note that this is an archive, basically a snapshot of that site as it appeared back then, so most of the links will no longer work since the website has been updated many times since). Keep in mind that this was 10-15+ yrs ago, and the site was about 300 ft out in the woods. We had to run a fiber optic cable out to it. The sensors worked great and a lot of data was generated, and a few papers came out of it. The internet connection at PMRC was (and still is) bad a good deal of the time, especially (you guessed it) in the springtime (wet, freeze/thaw).

    We still do a lot of the same type of thing, but more on vacuum now -- monitoring flow, pressures, temperatures within the tree. Most of it isn't public though as that just adds a layer of complexity to the whole thing. I'd upload some images, but still can't seem to do that.

    In any case, the folks at Cornell reinvented the wheel this past year, and we may have the same system running this year. Not sure whether it'll be public yet, but once we get the bugs worked out (this year or next) the plan is to put it out there.
    Last edited by DrTimPerkins; 02-07-2022 at 07:51 AM.
    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  9. #3239
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    It has been a busy fall and early winter here with some improvements to the sugarhouse and a new pump shed that has enabled me to lower all my mainlines to get better slope to my electric releaser. This has been on top of a very busy holiday sales season and some other improvements including working on a new website. Lots of repairs had to be done in woods this fall/winter with more than usual damage to mainlines. I now have the major repairs and drop changing done and am going to start chipping away at tapping this week. I've been on snowshoes in the woods since the MLK weekend storm but now they're essential with about a 2'+ snowpack in the woods here currently.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  10. #3240
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Castleton VT


    hurried and got in early this week, it takes 3 full days to get tapped and sugar house set up (500 3/16 gravity), valentines day is our ave tap date, picked .5 gpt last evening testing 1.75

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