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Hi guys
Quick question for you. I’m running a new to me Busch mink 1142 this year. Great pump builds nice vac.
My question is, when I shut it down it seems to slow down like normal with the VFD. But when it stops it sounds like it starts turning backwards. I’ve had this happen before on other pumps. Can’t remember what I did to cure the problem. I was thinking a check valve between pump and releaser?
Any insight?
Thank you
All vacuum pumps need a check valve between pump and releaser to keep them from running backwards at shutdown. Some pumps can be damaged by running backwards too many times.
Sugaring for 45+ years
New Sugarhouse 14'x32'
New to Me Algier 2'x8' wood fired evaporator
2022 added a used RB25 RO Bucket
250 mostly Sugar Maples, 15% Soft Maples. Currently,(110on 3/16" and 125 on Shurflo 4008 vacuum, 15 gravity), (16,000 before being disabled)
1947 Farmall H and Wagon with gathering tank
2012 Kubota with forks to move wood around