My H20 Innovations Even Flo Barometrically Controlled Proportional Auto Draw Off arrived this week...say that 10 times real fast!
Looking forward to not needing four arms (2 for firing and 2 for drawing off) in the sugar house.
My H20 Innovations Even Flo Barometrically Controlled Proportional Auto Draw Off arrived this week...say that 10 times real fast!
Looking forward to not needing four arms (2 for firing and 2 for drawing off) in the sugar house.
John Allin
14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.
Glad it came in, you’re going to love it. Its super easy to use and reprogram for smaller evaporators. Its a purchase you wont regret.
Another is that i will have a filter press for sale at the end of season if you are interested in upgrading from that clear one
Last edited by Kh7722; 01-09-2021 at 06:05 AM.
Last edited by johnallin; 01-09-2021 at 05:07 PM. Reason: Add <huge grin>
John Allin
14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.
John Allin
14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.
Another Saturday cutting and splitting wood, 4 out of 5 rows up so far, but I’m behind where I should be for this time of year.
Hope to finish up wood tomorrow.
John Allin
14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.
Moving into February...I'm ready to go, but not sure if it's going to open up as early this year as it did last year.
The deep freeze that was forecast 2 weeks ago never really came about. What's everyone else thinking?
John Allin
14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.
Fred thinks its late this year
Probably going to tap a week from now, watching the weather but will be tapped by feb 7 for sure
I had planned to tap this weekend, 400+ taps on tubing, and let the first run go on the ground. But now it's not looking too good for any runs. Maybe a couple days late next week but then it looks to be cold again. I may tap some this weekend, but I don't want to miss any later season runs by tapping too soon.
all of you crazy Canucks are jumping the gun don't cause such a kerfuffle. come on down to the Federation of Kirtland Hills and have an ole Silver Spray, kick back and relax on the chesterfield by the Bullerjan. its going to come fast enough don't rush it eh!!
Fred Ahrens
Richards Ohio Maple Equipment
Ohio CDL sales rep
LaPierre Dealer
H&M maple fabricator Dealer
Service Tech/repair for all brands and electronics
don't take life too serious, nobody gets out alive anyways!