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Thread: Weather effect on this years sap production(Southern IN)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Freedom, IN.


    Can’t speak for everyone, but we’re done. Sap was still running as of yesterday evening though. We will finish off some near syrup this weekend, then begin cleanup. Fantastic season, could’ve made more, probably still could, but it’s very warm and the trees know it. Started hearing the Spring peepers yesterday.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Northeast Indiana


    Spring peepers out here too. And honey bees and lady bugs and cranes flying over. On track to make 10 gallons. I'm happy with that for our first year. My goal was between 5 and 10. We will probably stop sometime next week.
    Last edited by Ross; 03-14-2019 at 07:46 PM.
    Sunrise 2X4 Hobby
    Smoky Lake Hybrid Pan

    100 Taps

    40 Taps

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Mitchell, Indiana


    From 35 taps I collected 4 gal of sap this morning. Tonight there was another 4 gal but it had an odor to it. I have been adamant about keeping the collection tank clean so maybe budding sap. I’m not sure. So I dumped it and shut the pump off. I have about 20 gal of sap to boil.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    North Shore Lake Lemon, Monroe County


    Just throwing this out there for you all...keeping my taps in through this next week of cool weather (check local listings). If my sap is off, I take it down to sugar and my wife mixes it with some concoction of coconut oil and something else for a hand scrub that she sells for much more than I make on my syrup. Not that I do it for profit as I lose money every year, but the "off" sap is still good for her hand scrub and people love what she makes.
    2014 - 8 taps, turkey fryer, 130 gallons sap, just under 2.5 gallons syrup.
    2015 - 50 taps and counting.
    2016 - 60 taps on 3/16 and a Bill Mason evaporator on order.
    2017 - 115 taps on 3/16, homemade r/o.
    2018 - 150 taps on 3/16, r/o a big help, but lots of leaks killing yield.
    2019 - sticking with 150 taps or maybe less, focusing on good vacuum and less waste to increase yield. Doubling up my r/o, and made a vacuum filter that looks promising.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Freedom, IN.


    This weekend was the official end of our season. We finished off the last of our concentrate, pulled all our taps, cleaned all the equipment and tanks, disassembled and cleaned the RO, and closed up the sugarhouse. The final numbers represent our best season to date, with 2400 gallons of sap collected, 570 gallons boiled after the RO, and 39 gallons of syrup produced. Our sugar content was lower than usual, at 1.5% for most of the season. The homegrown RO was an absolute lifesaver, although I think we may need more capacity next year. I didn't worry about preserving the membranes, as the cost for 5 new replacements is less than $150. We tossed them, and will buy new next year if we stay with this system.

    Hope this season was just as excellent for my fellow Hoosier sugarmakers.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    North Shore Lake Lemon, Monroe County


    Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
    This weekend was the official end of our season. We finished off the last of our concentrate, pulled all our taps, cleaned all the equipment and tanks, disassembled and cleaned the RO, and closed up the sugarhouse. The final numbers represent our best season to date, with 2400 gallons of sap collected, 570 gallons boiled after the RO, and 39 gallons of syrup produced. Our sugar content was lower than usual, at 1.5% for most of the season. The homegrown RO was an absolute lifesaver, although I think we may need more capacity next year. I didn't worry about preserving the membranes, as the cost for 5 new replacements is less than $150. We tossed them, and will buy new next year if we stay with this system.

    Hope this season was just as excellent for my fellow Hoosier sugarmakers.
    Tony, that's a great haul! How many taps did you have? Congrats on a great year! I'm hoping to get a little more through the middle of the coming week, and then pack it in.
    2014 - 8 taps, turkey fryer, 130 gallons sap, just under 2.5 gallons syrup.
    2015 - 50 taps and counting.
    2016 - 60 taps on 3/16 and a Bill Mason evaporator on order.
    2017 - 115 taps on 3/16, homemade r/o.
    2018 - 150 taps on 3/16, r/o a big help, but lots of leaks killing yield.
    2019 - sticking with 150 taps or maybe less, focusing on good vacuum and less waste to increase yield. Doubling up my r/o, and made a vacuum filter that looks promising.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Freedom, IN.


    Thanks Andrew, we had 80 on 3/16 natural vacuum, and another 20 on buckets for good measure... no more buckets from now on.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    North Shore Lake Lemon, Monroe County


    Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
    Thanks Andrew, we had 80 on 3/16 natural vacuum, and another 20 on buckets for good measure... no more buckets from now on.
    Wow! I had 80 on 3/16, but I think the squirrels killed me...plus a few downed trees in wind storms. I haven't had the time to walk the lines like I should have. That's great production...probably over 3 times what I'll get unless I have a big haul that doesn't spoil by Friday. I have noticed my trees are in a pretty dense forest that doesn't bud until later than most...fingers crossed. Where are you located? I'm on Lake Lemon just north of Bloomington.
    2014 - 8 taps, turkey fryer, 130 gallons sap, just under 2.5 gallons syrup.
    2015 - 50 taps and counting.
    2016 - 60 taps on 3/16 and a Bill Mason evaporator on order.
    2017 - 115 taps on 3/16, homemade r/o.
    2018 - 150 taps on 3/16, r/o a big help, but lots of leaks killing yield.
    2019 - sticking with 150 taps or maybe less, focusing on good vacuum and less waste to increase yield. Doubling up my r/o, and made a vacuum filter that looks promising.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Freedom, IN.


    We’re about 25 miles west of Bloomington. 23 degrees here this morning, good luck on the rest of your season!

    We are blessed with some great natural slope, this line was still running when I discovered the tree lying on it this past Saturday. Granted, it was at the end of a run with 26 trees on it.
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    Last edited by TonyL; 03-19-2019 at 06:12 AM.

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