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Thread: Schenectady-Albany-Saratoga Counties

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Easton, NY


    I put in 25 more taps Wednesday. After work today my buckets (ten 5 gallon buckets) were about 1/2 full. Hoping to do our first cook Sunday!

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Saratoga, NY


    Thinking of tapping later this week. May even put together a simple RO system this year and expand to 30 taps, the most I've done yet...piecemeal for most on here.

    Crossing my fingers.
    2015: 8 bucket taps (7 red, 1 sugar) on DIY barrel evaporator
    2016: 13 taps (bucket and tube) on block arch and hotel pans
    2017: SAME
    2018: 25 taps on 2x3 flat pan and resurrected barrel arch
    2019: 25 taps...same setup plus DIY 3x150gpd RO filter
    2020: 50 taps, all buckets..."new" oil tank arch setup
    2021: 100 taps (50/50 buckets/3-16 tubing) on 2x4 divided pan
    2022: 150 taps (50/100 b/t) on 2x4 pan with sap warmer pan
    2023: SAME
    2024: 150 taps, added single-post 4x40 RO system

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Ballston spa


    We got a couple hundred in today hopefully finish up tomorrow. Looks like the weather will be perfect from Thursday on. Still have to setup pump and tanks but hopefully we will be collecting by the weekend. Not sure if it went above freezing today but a lot of the trees with full sun exposure were dripping as soon as I pulled the drill out.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Easton, NY


    Collected just shy of 40 gallons on Sunday and started boiling, got 3 quarts of syrup to start the season. Looks like awesome weather this week!
    2023 - block arch, 2x3 flat pan, 30 maple, 40+walnut - ?
    2022 - block arch, 2x3 flat pan, 36 maple taps, 25 walnut taps - 5 gallons between each
    2021 - block arch, 2x3 flat pan, 30 taps - 8 gallons
    2020 - block arch of high temp bricks, Badgerland 2x3 flat pan -8.5 gallons
    2019 - block arch of high temp bricks, 2 hotel pans - 8.5 gallons
    2018 - 33 taps, block arch with 2 hotel pans, 9.25 gallons
    2017 - 5 taps, big pot over the fire, 1.25 gallons

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Oct 2018


    Tapped 15 trees yesterday evening in Charlton. Holes were dry last night but hoping for a good run today!

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    New York


    Based on the weather and what you guys are seeing I am going to tap my 40 trees out here in the Duanesburg/Delanson area in the morning. I am interested to see what the sugar levels are this early in the season. Last year my first boil was about 80:1 which was not really worth it to me.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Saratoga, NY


    I tapped today. 24 taps (down from 36 last year, just too busy). I was a bit disappointed in the lack of sap today. The sun never came out and it was a bit colder than expected. Looking forward to a great season!

    2017- 17 taps, 3 gallons, stove-top insanity
    2018- 36 taps, 10 gallons, Oil tank evaporator
    2019- 24 taps, 7 gallons
    2020- 27 taps, 5.75 gallons
    2021- 42 taps, 8 gallons
    2022- 48 taps, 8.5 gallons
    2023- 50 taps, 15 gallons
    2024- 46 taps, 9.5 gallons

    Oil Tank Evaporator build

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Middleburgh NY


    Sap was running in my neck of the woods. I have about 75 taps out right now with about 25 left on a north face area that will get tapped next week maybe. Got my shurflo pump set up on about 45 of those 75 taps and was chasing leaks last night. I have one line with about 12 drops that was not pulling well. I think it was blocked but I couldn't find a smoking gun in the dark. We shall see what happens today. Good luck everyone!
    2014 6 Taps Block Arch and momas canning pot, 3 gallons YIKES

    2019 100 taps and a new adventure with a home built arch.

    2020 90 taps, my wife and I and a Bucket RO...

    2021 112 taps and a modified Bucket RO.

    2022 120 taps, modified Bucket RO a Wife, Son and Springer

    2023 ~110 taps Nothing new

    2024 90 taps health issues, family

    2025 75 taps New RO Bucket filter canner

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Saratoga, NY


    Just did a test tap of 2 buckets on a big maple in the sun...it's running but not much. Was my first try with "health" spouts and just could not get the hole tight enough with the bit I bought... switched to the old 7/16" metal taps and an old bit, they fit fine!

    Anyone use 1/4" bit for the health spots for better fit?
    2015: 8 bucket taps (7 red, 1 sugar) on DIY barrel evaporator
    2016: 13 taps (bucket and tube) on block arch and hotel pans
    2017: SAME
    2018: 25 taps on 2x3 flat pan and resurrected barrel arch
    2019: 25 taps...same setup plus DIY 3x150gpd RO filter
    2020: 50 taps, all buckets..."new" oil tank arch setup
    2021: 100 taps (50/50 buckets/3-16 tubing) on 2x4 divided pan
    2022: 150 taps (50/100 b/t) on 2x4 pan with sap warmer pan
    2023: SAME
    2024: 150 taps, added single-post 4x40 RO system

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Middleburgh NY


    I use Canadian 5/16 for CV spouts. You gotta hold on the drill if you don't have a stop collar on it. It will suck that bit right in past your tape mark. Also don't "ream" in and out multiple times or the hole will not be true and most likely leak around the spout. I learned the hard way...
    2014 6 Taps Block Arch and momas canning pot, 3 gallons YIKES

    2019 100 taps and a new adventure with a home built arch.

    2020 90 taps, my wife and I and a Bucket RO...

    2021 112 taps and a modified Bucket RO.

    2022 120 taps, modified Bucket RO a Wife, Son and Springer

    2023 ~110 taps Nothing new

    2024 90 taps health issues, family

    2025 75 taps New RO Bucket filter canner

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