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Thread: member titles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Schroon Lake NY

    Default member titles

    I'm fairly new to actively posting here although I've gotten great info from this forum for years. Can anyone tell me what the titles under each user name are (fire wood chopper, maple enthusiast...) and how they change? I assume they have to do with involvement in the forum but what type of involvement and how much for each step? Pretty much curiosity but I can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks!
    2015- 3x4 flat pan over brick "arch" outside
    2016- Same pan with homemade arch outside
    2017- 2x6 new to me evaporator setup outside
    2018- Same setup, started to build a shack
    2019- homemade single post 4x40 RO and finally in a sugar shack!
    We are improving little by little each year, part of the fun!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    From what I can tell, you will progress through the titles as the number of posts you have made reaches certain thresholds.
    60ish taps on buckets
    D&G Sportsman 18x63
    Turbo RB15 RO Bucket

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Albion PA


    I believe that is correct, number of post moves you to a different title. I dont think most of us pay much attention to that. Good question. Mainly because some one that has 10,000 taps and has made syrup for 50 years just starts on the form and it looks like that may be a novice based on the title. I generally look at the signature information as to number of taps, years making syrup etc.....
    I can see you are improving each year! Nice job!
    Casbohm Maple and Honey
    625 roadside taps + Neighbors bring some sap too!
    3x10 King, WRU, AOF and AUF
    12" SIRO Filter Press.
    2015 Ford F250 PSD sap hauler
    One Golden named Maggie, Norwegian Forest Cat named Lucy
    Too many Cub Cadets
    Ford Jubilee and several Allis WD's, and IH tractors
    1932 Ford AAB ton and a half, dump truck


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