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Thread: Pan Wider Than Arch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Hartland, CT

    Default Pan Wider Than Arch

    Greetings, knowers of all things maple!

    I'm entering into my second season of sugaring and do not plan to increase the size of my evaporator for this coming season as I've built a RO. I should be able to manage on the steam pans that I used last year, but I've stumbled upon a deal for a pan that is wider than my arch is. Increasing my area will be great, but will the area that is overhanging the edge of the arch create any issues for me? This is just a simple flat pan for batch boiling, but if I can pick this pan up then it would be really nice to already have for next year's planned arch upgrade!

    Thanks for your opinions!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Elsie mi


    How much bigger are we talking.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Hartland, CT


    Quote Originally Posted by Woody77 View Post
    How much bigger are we talking.
    Going up to a standard width pan would leave me with ~4" of pan hanging over the edge of the evaporator.

    I can obviously expect that the boil rate would be slower than probably even a pan that is made to my current size with the cooling happening on the exposed edges, but just wanted to see if anyone had done something like this in the past with success.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Elsie mi


    I'd say try it. what the heck. Just be prepared in case it don't work. I try new stuff all the time. Some work some don't. That's part of the fun. I'm trying a complete new approach to a preheater this year. I hope that it works. But if not no biggy.

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