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Thread: Arch build question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Arch build question

    Hello all

    I am preparing to build an oil tank arch for next season. I had a couple question hope you can help with

    1) I am planning on using copper drop tubes on homemade pan. I know on most arches they ramp up in back. Should I also ramp up in the back and just adjust drop tube depth or keep it flat with the same size of drop tubes.

    2) what should the deminisons of the firebox be?

    3) what is the best way to add a blower but still have the ability to have an ash door

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Eden Prairie, MN


    1) You don't want drop tubes over your firebox, and the firebox will be pretty tall, so a ramp up to the bottom of your tubes is appropriate. If the tubes are 1" diameter, then 6 to 8" long would be good.

    2) firebox: Width= pan width minus 2x fire brick. Depth = wood length + a couple of inches after bricking. Height = depends on how you build. 16 to 20" maybe?

    3) blower can come in anywhere under the grate. Any side. If you notch the bottom of the tank for your ramp, you can bring it in the back of the firebox, out of the way. You can put a clean out door or bolt on panel anywhere then.

    Unsolicited advice.....Unless you have an oil tank in your way that you want to get rid of, consider building your arch out of angle steel and sheet metal. It's easy to get exactly what you want and not fight the curves and dimensions of the tank. I used small angle steel, 1.25 x .25 and it has held up well for 8 years. Cheap!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    2x8 Smokylake drop flue with AOF/ AUF
    180 taps on sacks
    75 on 3/16 tubing with shurflo
    Eden Prairie, Minnesota

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Southern Ohio


    I second the angle iron frame and sheet metal suggestion....you will be glad you later if you do it that way. That makes it an easy build and easy to modify.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Cape Girardeau, MO


    A very nice set of drawings. Build on this line and when the day comes and needing to get bigger this will be something easier to sell.
    2012 200 taps on buckets,,, Built me a 2' X 11' arch,,, hope to put most on tubing next year.

    2011 100 taps on buckets, 30x 60 flat pan

    2009 63 taps on buckets,,,, 30x60 flat pan

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Candia NH


    I'll have to agree with the rest, if you are already putting in the labor why not build something better. You wouldn't even need to buy angle iron just pull up Craigs list or ask atound and find some free old metal bed frames. I did build an oil tank arch but it was repurposed from another project I used it for. Now trying to sell it is the hard part granted it's not maple season yet. Good luck on your build
    2018 - ?? 2x5 lapierre raised flue evaporator

    2017 - 150 taps mixed 2.5 x 4 evaporator

    2016 - 230 taps taps mixed 2.5 x 4 evaporator

    2015 - 115 taps mixed buckets, bags and, water jugs. 2.5 x 4 evaporator.

    2014 - 55 taps mixed buckets, bags and, drop lines. 4 steam trays and a block arch. 3 gallons made tapped prematurely (lesson learned)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Alvinston Ontario


    When building an arch with angle iron and sheet metal what gauge of sheet metal do you recommend?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Eden Prairie, MN


    I built mine lighter than most. 1.25" x 1.25" x .125" Skinned sides and bottom with 16ga sheet, Front with 0.125 sheet. It's been great for many years and I wouldn't change much if anything. Bed frame angle steel would work well, too.
    2x8 Smokylake drop flue with AOF/ AUF
    180 taps on sacks
    75 on 3/16 tubing with shurflo
    Eden Prairie, Minnesota

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Poland wisconsin


    Bed frame angle iron does not weld up well. it cracks easy when welded. I made a 2 by 5 last year bought most of the steel new 2 x 2 by .250 angle and galvanized tin for the sides with fire brick . It works great about 20 gallons a hour with forced draft . Baffle pan with 2 x 2 preheat pan and float really works nice . Plus a auto draw from a controller on amazon (about $30 ) for the control and a little bit more for the new temp probe plus valve. now all we do is add wood.

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