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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #1781
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by to100 View Post
    Any thing I could have differently?
    A couple of thoughts. First, this has been a very unusual year. Some producers who tapped very early (with vacuum) had record yields. Others who tapped later, even with vacuum, are short. A lot depends upon location (elevation, aspect) in addition to when you tapped.

    Second....how old is your tubing system? That can have some influence depending upon other things as well. Slope won't have much of an effect with 5/16" tubing. On gravity, sap will not run after a few days without a refreeze (which we've not had for a few days) regardless of the spout you're using. With a gravity system, annual variation in sap yields tend to be far higher than with vacuum.

    Third.....last year was a record production year for most areas in the northeast. Unlikely you're going to match that again right away.
    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  2. #1782
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    East Fairfield Vermont


    In the last 6 days I have gotten about 5gal/tap. If this is the end that's how I like to go out! Sap still looks good, starting to get a little slim in my releaser. The guy I sell to is still making good syrup. Possible little freeze up tonight, and a better one Saturday night, then hit it hard to the finish! If I could pick up another 3gal/tap before we call it quits I'll be on par total wise with last year BUT with WAY better sugar this year. Should be good

    Dr. Tim you mentioned earlier about the ones that tapped early are looking decent. I think your spot on. I picked up 1/3 crop just in the last 8-9 days of February.

  3. #1783
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Westford, Vermont


    our 3,000 taps in our home bush were all in by January 9th and we got a nice early run in that second week of January. We've been pulling 27.5 or higher the whole season on 2nd year setup, short laterals, few taps per lateral. Doing the best we can but still aren't where we would like to be for yields. We never really opened up here. Hopefully we can make it for another 5 or so days and get us up to the .5 gal per tap mark. Guess it's just nature.

  4. #1784
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    We should be able to go till Easter Sunday for sure. The weather keeps changing every time I look at it. There is now only partial sun on Sunday and Monday and then back to cooler nights and cloudy days. The nighttime temps predicted for my town have been about 4-5 degrees warmer then what I have been getting in my woods. If they are saying 36 for a low I am getting 31 at my house. Their weather station is at 550 elevation and my woods ranges from 1000-1250.


  5. #1785
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Chatham NH


    I Hope you are Right Spud I have no signs of budding at all not even on the soft Maples. Hopefully I can squeeze one more week out toof. Latest I've boiled in the past has been April 15th.
    Nate Hutchins
    Nate & Kate's Maple
    2022 1000 taps?
    3x10 Intensofire
    20x36 sugarhouse
    CDL 600gph RO
    A wife and 2 kids.

  6. #1786
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Georgia, VT


    My bucket RO in action for the 1st time! Home with a sick little one today, so I couldn't run for the plumbing from the tank that I had in-mind, but I'm making due. Concentrating about 1.5% to just under 4%, and I am absolutely thrilled!

    Tank on the left is raw sap, tank in the cart is concentrate, & the barrel is catching the water.

  7. #1787
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MJPJ Sugars View Post
    My bucket RO in action for the 1st time! Home with a sick little one today, so I couldn't run for the plumbing from the tank that I had in-mind, but I'm making due. Concentrating about 1.5% to just under 4%, and I am absolutely thrilled!

    Tank on the left is raw sap, tank in the cart is concentrate, & the barrel is catching the water.
    Attachment 16357
    Thats pretty cool. Lets keep this season going two more weeks.


  8. #1788
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Georgia, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by spud View Post
    Thats pretty cool. Lets keep this season going two more weeks.
    I'm in!

  9. #1789
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    chester, ma


    Quote Originally Posted by MJPJ Sugars View Post
    My bucket RO in action for the 1st time! Home with a sick little one today, so I couldn't run for the plumbing from the tank that I had in-mind, but I'm making due. Concentrating about 1.5% to just under 4%, and I am absolutely thrilled!

    Tank on the left is raw sap, tank in the cart is concentrate, & the barrel is catching the water.
    Attachment 16357
    Sweet! I'm glad this worked for you! If I had power at my sugar shack, I'd probably get one of these myself. That and a squirrel cage blower for AUF. Ah well, I make do.


    2016: Homemade arch from old wood stove; 2 steam tray pans; 6 taps; 1.1 gal
    2017: Same setup. 15 taps; 4.5 gal
    2018: Same setup. Limited time. 12 taps and short season; 2.2 gal
    2019: Very limited time. 7 taps and a short season; 1.8 gals
    2020: New Mason 2x3 XL halfway through season; 9 taps 2 gals
    2021: Same 2x3, 18 taps, 4.5 gals
    2022: 23 taps, 5.9 gals
    2023: 23 taps. Added AUF, 13.2 gals
    2024: 17 taps, 5.3 gals
    2025: 17 taps
    All on buckets

  10. #1790
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Woke up this morning to 5 inches of snow and it's still coming down. The temp last night hit 27 degree. Looks like sugaring is alive and well for a while. Sap may run a bit today with it only going to 38 degrees. Tomorrow it's full sun and 54 and the sap should run very good. Hoping to make it through the 4 day warm up thats coming up and then sail to the 20th.


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