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Thread: Schenectady-Albany-Saratoga Counties

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Rotterdam NY

    Default Schenectady-Albany-Saratoga Counties

    Hi all,
    I'm just curious who else is tapping around the capitol region ? Ive seen reports that some out in western NY are tapping and sap is flowing already ! I always come here to see what others are doing before I pull the trigger and start our season. The temps do look favorable to tap , even though I'm no where near ready . We are out on the western edge of Rotterdam , up in the hills, and with that we have a little temp difference than those in the valley areas.

    This will be our third year doing Maple syrup. We're up to about 50 taps this year , which is plenty for the wife and me. we do it on a homemade arch with 3 steam tray pans . It seems to work very well .

    I'm excited for another Maple season , and hopefully it'll be a good one .

    -John VanDenburgh

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Corinth, New York, United States


    I'm not sure what everyone is doing. I'm in northern Saratoga county similar to you in the foothills of the Adirondacks and the weather is strange to say the least. I went for a ride this morning to talk to a larger producer just north of me and didn't find anyone around. I also didn't see much sign of anything going on at his sugar shack so I'm sure he is waiting. I'm pretty sure it's going to get pretty cold around here again before it's all over. Last year was super warm here and then a Feb cold snap and still didn't start getting SAP until March 1. I'm small enough I can get everything in in a day or two so I'm not concerned.
    2021 230 Taps on vacuum
    Smokylake 2X6 pan set with auto drawoff
    Homebuilt 2 4x40 membrane RO
    Homebuilt filter press
    Rebuilt arch with under and over the fire air we have named V 2.0
    Smokylake steam bottler
    Hoods and preheater
    500 gallon vertical polytank to store sap for RO
    Adding a laser eye to my bottler for autofill/stop

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Middleburgh NY


    Hey! We are down in Schoharie County. I had my son pop a couple of test taps on pails today. He said its running good but there is no way I will tap my main trees this early.
    2014 6 Taps Block Arch and momas canning pot, 3 gallons YIKES

    2019 100 taps and a new adventure with a home built arch.

    2020 90 taps, my wife and I and a Bucket RO...

    2021 112 taps and a modified Bucket RO.

    2022 120 taps, modified Bucket RO a Wife, Son and Springer

    2023 ~110 taps Nothing new

    2024 90 taps health issues, family

    2025 75 taps New RO Bucket filter canner

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Upstate NY


    I just tapped 360 on 3/16 gravity. It was running good. I'm in southern Albany county.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Middleburgh NY


    One of 4 test taps. less than 24hrs. Hope the picture works...

    2014 6 Taps Block Arch and momas canning pot, 3 gallons YIKES

    2019 100 taps and a new adventure with a home built arch.

    2020 90 taps, my wife and I and a Bucket RO...

    2021 112 taps and a modified Bucket RO.

    2022 120 taps, modified Bucket RO a Wife, Son and Springer

    2023 ~110 taps Nothing new

    2024 90 taps health issues, family

    2025 75 taps New RO Bucket filter canner

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Adirondacks NY


    Kevin keep us posted on what you get, I'm anxious to see what the new 3/16th lines I ran do.
    2011 2x6 leader and 125 taps and 30 buckets
    2012 another 200 taps on line and an addition to the sugar house
    2013 hoping to hit 400 taps on line and 25 buckets and adding a sap Guzzler
    2014 Brand new D&G 3x10 traditional evaporator and going to 450
    2015 D&G 3x10 and kicking the door on 500 on line
    My wife Marci who puts up with me buying "Maple Stuff"
    1 65 yr old father inlaw who is priceless
    And the good Lord above Amen
    Lakeview Blueberries/Maple Syrup on Facebook

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Upstate NY


    I had 275 taps on the same system last year and I got 6000+ gallons of sap from them. I tapped January 26th last year and my last boil was April 10th.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Saratoga, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by red/one View Post
    One of 4 test taps. less than 24hrs. Hope the picture works...

    Attachment 15098
    You sure that's a maple? Never seen grooves that deep on any of mine...decent production all the same.
    2015: 8 bucket taps (7 red, 1 sugar) on DIY barrel evaporator
    2016: 13 taps (bucket and tube) on block arch and hotel pans
    2017: SAME
    2018: 25 taps on 2x3 flat pan and resurrected barrel arch
    2019: 25 taps...same setup plus DIY 3x150gpd RO filter
    2020: 50 taps, all buckets..."new" oil tank arch setup
    2021: 100 taps (50/50 buckets/3-16 tubing) on 2x4 divided pan
    2022: 150 taps (50/100 b/t) on 2x4 pan with sap warmer pan
    2023: SAME
    2024: 150 taps, added single-post 4x40 RO system

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Saratoga, NY


    Seriously considering putting in a few taps with the forecast of high 30s and 40s with below freezing nights for at least the next 10 days. We kicked our last jug of syrup two weeks ago so even if I make enough for our purposes from a couple of my trees further out I'd be pretty happy.
    2015: 8 bucket taps (7 red, 1 sugar) on DIY barrel evaporator
    2016: 13 taps (bucket and tube) on block arch and hotel pans
    2017: SAME
    2018: 25 taps on 2x3 flat pan and resurrected barrel arch
    2019: 25 taps...same setup plus DIY 3x150gpd RO filter
    2020: 50 taps, all buckets..."new" oil tank arch setup
    2021: 100 taps (50/50 buckets/3-16 tubing) on 2x4 divided pan
    2022: 150 taps (50/100 b/t) on 2x4 pan with sap warmer pan
    2023: SAME
    2024: 150 taps, added single-post 4x40 RO system

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    New York Porters Corners


    Can't we just have a "normal" winter. This is late January, We should be frozen solid for another good month at least. Hopefully it's not start and stop for another 2 months before the old fashioned normal thaw. Plus I still am procrastinating cleaning my stuff from last year.

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