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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #1121
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    As of about an hour ago my sap is running 500 GPH. It started running later in the afternoon and is testing 1.5%


  2. #1122
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Readsboro, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by spud View Post
    As of about an hour ago my sap is running 500 GPH. It started running later in the afternoon and is testing 1.5%

    Funny Spud, I average 1.7 the last 3 years, and this is my second run at 2.1. I just shut my little operation down and got 110 gallons off 320 taps today. What a difference as you know. 40/1 vs. 50/1... I will run it right up into my head tank off my home built RO tomorrow and boil it off in my sweetened pan.
    Eric of the Greens... I Fly Solo...
    2013-15 Block arch to having it all...
    2016...320 on vacuum. 155 gravity, 90 buckets.
    All homemade equipment except Smokey Lake pans.
    2x6 arch, Electric releaser w/ Gast 1023 24" vacuum
    2x4x40 RO w/ dual 265gph Procons
    My PWS with webcam... https://www.wunderground.com/persona...READS2#history

  3. #1123
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thetford, VT


    I have used accuweather for the last three years when using a sap puller for the the first 2 years and the full vacuum last year. I find if it does not forecast a drop below 28 for more than 2-3 hours overnight I leave the pumps on. I found it to be very accurate.

    Tapping since 1985 (four generations back to early to mid 1900s). 200-250 taps on buckets and then tubing in the mid 90s. 2013- 275 taps w/sap puller 25 gal. 2014-295 taps w/sap puller 55 ga. (re-tapped to vacuum theory) 2015-330 taps full vac. 65 gal, 2016-400 taps 105 gal, 2017-400 taps 95 gal. 2018-additional 800' mainline and maybe 400 new taps for a total near 800 taps. 2x6 Leader WSE (last year on it) supported by a 250 gph RO.

  4. #1124
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Newfane, VT


    Finished tapping the first bush yesterday in the rain. Moving down the road to the other lots today. Hope to have all tubing tapped by the weekend!
    300 on vaccum
    300 gravity tubing
    200 buckets

    100 hilltop acres
    16x20 timberframe sugarhouse built in 2010
    3x10 Leader max flue & revolution pans w/ Inferno arch - 2013
    1998 Kubota M5400

    Northwoods Farm and Forestry on Facebook.

  5. #1125
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Turned pump on yesterday at noon and sap started coming in pretty soon after. In went from 32F to almost 50F in less than 30 minutes. Let some sap run on the ground and then pulled in about 100 gal. after closing the tank valve. Froze up pretty quick yesterday evening. Pump is still on and I'm not expecting much today, but you never know. Looks like we could get a decent run this weekend.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  6. #1126
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I was able to get 3000 gallons before it froze last night. The wind kills everything for me. Weekend might be warm but it is going to be windy again. We need 45 and sun with no wind. Still real early so this is bonus sap as far as I'm concerned. Lets hope its a great season. It's looking good.


  7. #1127
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Poultney VT


    tapping out today, putting arch back together tonight and pans on tomorrow. Finish RO monday night drop in membranes and rinse them.
    Business Name
    Flat Lander Sugaring (who would think a guy from Az be making syrup)
    125 on Sap Suckers
    Close to 475 High Vac
    400 gravity adding more
    leader 2x6
    home made preheater
    1 7D749 for AOF
    New FLS Tsunami Arch
    4 membrane TR Industries RO 2HP 3 phase 601GPH 250 PSI
    PID Display for Arch Temp.
    Chumlee of the trader

  8. #1128
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Sap is starting to come in. Going to head to the woods and put some more taps in then wash the ro this afternoon.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  9. #1129
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Readsboro, VT


    Warming up fast here, and sunny with no clouds to the west and s/west... Another "bonus" run into late tonight and maybe through tomorrow daytime. Forecast is changing for next week. What was gunna be a cold Wednesday/Thurs now shows 40ish We will see. It just gets warmer every time.
    Glad I tapped early for my RO test.
    Guess I'll head out and run more gravity lines.

    **UPDATE** 7pm
    Sap is running good, and still 45 after a high of 50 at 3:06. IT should run all night and some tomorrow.

    Boy... did I struggle finding a vacuum leak. I heard it at the saddle, and tried fixing that for some time. Finally after going up and down the lateral, I could see air bubbles at the tee. I could hear nothing. Tried changing the spout, no help. There was no sap, only air from the spout! I capped the drop. Vacuum went back up to 24.5 from 22.5

    **UPDATE 10pm**
    Temperature keeps rising! It is 48! Sap is running at 15 gph avg.

    **UPDATE 12AM**
    Cooling down.. But, sap flowing at 25 gph since 10pm. It has turned out to be a great run for me here! It'll be interesting to see what the 55 on gravity yield tomorrow.

    Good Nite..
    Last edited by DoubleBrookMaple; 02-20-2016 at 11:41 PM.
    Eric of the Greens... I Fly Solo...
    2013-15 Block arch to having it all...
    2016...320 on vacuum. 155 gravity, 90 buckets.
    All homemade equipment except Smokey Lake pans.
    2x6 arch, Electric releaser w/ Gast 1023 24" vacuum
    2x4x40 RO w/ dual 265gph Procons
    My PWS with webcam... https://www.wunderground.com/persona...READS2#history

  10. #1130
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Sap started running here as soon as I turn vac pump on. I headed to the woods to finish tapping, then started fixing a few minor leaks. We are now apprx 23.5-24" so very happy. I finished tapping in Andover just shy of 1200 taps (1187 if my math is right). So now off to Weston next weekend, that's my cold bush, seams to never start running until late every year and keeps on given good clean clear (3%)sap until very late. I have 600 taps there and usually a ton of repairs every year.
    Hopefully have a boil tomorrow afternoon. 2nd of the season can't wait to burn the oil lol..
    Good luck everyone, I think this will be a good sap run for a few days.
    filter press
    auto draw
    New leader oil fired


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