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Thread: Jefferson County - My First Boil Ever

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    I don't have a pressure washer, so I'll probably just keep cleaning it the old fashioned way. I still have a little sap to boil that I collected before I untapped, so I'll get to clean it one more time before I put it away for the year.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    SE Missouri


    Quote Originally Posted by RiverSap View Post
    I still have to clean my pan. I will have to try that soap idea next year. Thanks Karen. Has anyone tried to use a pressure washer to clean off the pans? I am thinking of giving that a try.
    A pressure washer will do a fair job, but not great. Basically it just knocks off the loose carbon soot build-up. After I've cleaned the inside of the pans with vinegar, I'll take them off the arch and pressure spray off the syrup and flue pans. Gets down to the metal, but like I said, you'll still see black.

    We had our last boil Sunday - turned out to be our best year ever. Made 217 gallons on 460 taps. Not bad for gravity tubing, eh? Weather was near perfect.
    Now I have an outdoor hobby for all 12 months. Like I need anything more to do
    About 1000 taps on gravity tubing, MicRO2 RO, 2.5 X 8 Leader King, and a 1953 Willys Jeep to run around the maple woods with.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Florissant Missouri


    I finished and bottled my past batch Saturday. I ended up with about 3 total gallons of syrup, all in all a good year. I am in the final stages of cleaning up and putting everything away and getting ready for a bon fire this coming weekend. Mushroom hunting is next on the agenda followed with opening up the pool. Spring is here.
    Crazy River Sap
    55 sugar maple, 15 walnut taps on plastic buckets and tubing
    Block arch on driveway

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Ah, mushroom hunting would be great. Sadly I've never seen them on my property. Have you checked out http://www.morels.com/forums/forum/missouri/?

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Florissant Missouri


    I am not a member of any mushroom forums. Thanks for the link. Morel hunting is still a few weeks away. I went to Pelican Island which is just behind my house out in the Missouri river last weekend to do some preseason scouting. Things are greening up but not there yet. I noticed out on the bluffs last night that the may apples are poking up. That is the first sign that the ground is warming up nicely.
    Crazy River Sap
    55 sugar maple, 15 walnut taps on plastic buckets and tubing
    Block arch on driveway

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