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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #741
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Vac pump has been on since 7am and it has been running steadily. Have pulled in about 200 gal. So far. Brix is up to 2.5 from 1.5 during last run. Pretty happy about that. Boiled on Thursday and sweetened pans and made about 1 gal.

    Almost done tapping. Hooked up a bunch more today and no leaking cvs yet.

    Preheater is leaking so taking it off to be welded on Monday. Seems like it could run the next few days. I hope so as I need to make some syrup. People are placing orders and I need products for open house weekend. I hope things are smooth for everyone else.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  2. #742
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Newfane, VT


    Barely touched 32 here today and everything stayed frozen. If it gets a bit warmer tomorrow I could at least switch on the vacuum.
    300 on vaccum
    300 gravity tubing
    200 buckets

    100 hilltop acres
    16x20 timberframe sugarhouse built in 2010
    3x10 Leader max flue & revolution pans w/ Inferno arch - 2013
    1998 Kubota M5400

    Northwoods Farm and Forestry on Facebook.

  3. #743
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I got 2500 gallons today. Sap started running at about !:00pm and stopped about 10:00pm. I was not expecting any sap today. Monday looks like we may get a bigger run. Vacuum pumps have been on for day's and will stay on till April 20th or so.


  4. #744
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cornwall VT


    Quote Originally Posted by spud View Post
    Your right on that sapmaple. The only problem is I would have no money in the bank if I set up to boil.

    You got that right my friend I can attest to that, But I wouldn't have it any other way I just love the challenge of it all!
    Worked til 9:30pm last night hooking my new main lines into the wet -dry lines my son was tapping them and when we turn on the valve they were ripping pretty good nice flow well into the night going up to check tanks now (don't have any of the fancy tap track or tank monitor yet got to wait til there is some money in the bank
    10,600 taps on vacuum
    5x16 CDL Master / with steam pan
    3600 GPH CDL RO

  5. #745
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Sap ran overnight as we didn't go below freezing until about 11 am this morning. Now, everything is froze up tight. I did pull in about 600 gallons from approx. 675 taps in the last 24 hours. Going to see what I get tomorrow and then will likely ro and boil on Tuesday.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  6. #746
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hey General it sounds like your runs are almost a gallon per tap. I have only been getting about a third of a gallon. Yesterday my sugar started to go up to 1.6-1.7% so thats good. To cold today for any sap to run but tomorrow it is going to be 40 and sun so I might get a little.

    SapMaple- I do miss boiling and the whole sugar house thing. We thought about setting up our sugar house to boil a few years ago but then the 60 acres that borders us came up for sale. We decided to buy that so we could tap the 3000 trees on it. It also has some real nice home sites on it for the kids someday. Now we are in the process of planting an apple orchard for the future. I know there is an orchard in your town (do you know them). Someday if one or more of the kids want to really commit to helping with the sugaring we may set up to boil. As of right now none of the kids are interested in sugaring at all. The person I sell my sap to is very nice and treats me well. I don't see me walking away from a good deal anytime soon.


  7. #747
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Spud , if we could get what you are being paid we would have never
    r built a new setup this year. We built to handle expansion and at last count with all new equipment we are around $10 per tap at e
    xpanded tap count.. Not to mention the time and expense to process and boil. You can utilize your time to dial in your leak checking for max sap.
    You must be selling to M St P ? Is that a delivered price or does he pick
    it up? Reason I ask is we will be buying 5K taps next year and want to be fair on compensation. Its got to be good for both parties to continue long term.

  8. #748
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by adironmaple View Post
    Spud , if we could get what you are being paid we would have never
    r built a new setup this year. We built to handle expansion and at last count with all new equipment we are around $10 per tap at e
    xpanded tap count.. Not to mention the time and expense to process and boil. You can utilize your time to dial in your leak checking for max sap.
    You must be selling to M St P ? Is that a delivered price or does he pick
    it up? Reason I ask is we will be buying 5K taps next year and want to be fair on compensation. Its got to be good for both parties to continue long term.
    I sell my sap to a large producer in Bakersfield. They come and pick up all my sap. I have had three other large operations call and ask to buy my sap (one will pay 70%) but I like the people I am selling to and have no desire to change. I enjoy spending my day in the woods looking for leaks and just walking with the dog. If I boiled then that would take time away from the woods and my production would most likely be affected. I look at going into the woods as my Therapy.


  9. #749
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Chatham NH


    I hear you loud & clear spud, as I was tapping today & going up to my private area every once in awhile when I stepped in a soft drift, A little light snow occasionally I really couldn't have been happier or more clear headed. Most people probably think that's Nutts

  10. #750
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Poultney VT


    made another 7 gal, collected 310 of 2.3%
    Business Name
    Flat Lander Sugaring (who would think a guy from Az be making syrup)
    125 on Sap Suckers
    Close to 475 High Vac
    400 gravity adding more
    leader 2x6
    home made preheater
    1 7D749 for AOF
    New FLS Tsunami Arch
    4 membrane TR Industries RO 2HP 3 phase 601GPH 250 PSI
    PID Display for Arch Temp.
    Chumlee of the trader

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