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Thread: Fitting Size for Two Pan Continuous Flow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Owen Sound, Ontario

    Default Fitting Size for Two Pan Continuous Flow

    I'm in the design stage for an oil tank evaporator. Plan to use the full boiling surface 2X6 with stack out the back. I will have a 2x4 and a 2x2 set of divided pans built. My question is how big should I make the interconnect fittings to make sure the gradient will work? Obviously, the large the size, the larger the cost. I've seen the 180 degree fitting and the setup with a box on both pans with a straight through fitting joining the pans. Also need to incorporate a shutoff to isolate the sap pan from the syrup pan for cleaning. Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated.

    Newbie Mapler
    Have a bush, a potential shack, tractor, ATV, snowmobile
    Retired and working on the bucket list
    Hoping for a 2015 startup

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Frankford, Ontario


    3/4" Id is too small on my 20"x60"

    I welded on a half coupling, then use a male to male to a Union, then a m-m to an elbow, another male to male to a valve, m-m to another elbow, m-m, Union, m-m and another welded on half coupling. Pipe comes out the side, forms a U and back in the side of the next pan.

    2 half couplings
    2 Unions
    6 m-m adapters
    1 valve

    HC-MM-UN-MM - Elbo
    HC-MM-UN-MM - Elbo

    Works for me, and I can isolate the pans and as long as I drain one pan, I remove either pan while keeping sap in the other one.
    Last edited by Big_Eddy; 04-11-2014 at 11:28 AM. Reason: add diagram
    Eastern Ontario (Quinte)
    20+ years on a 2x3 block arch,
    Homemade 20"x64" drop flue since 2011

    Build a Block Arch
    Build a Flat Pan
    Build a Flue Pan
    Sweetening the Pans
    Build a Bending Brake
    Using a Hydrotherm
    How much Sap to Sweeten?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Owen Sound, Ontario

    Default More on Fittiing Size for Continous Flow

    Thanks for fitting sequence. Standard stainless fittings are cheaper than the industrial 'sanitary branded' ones. Sounds like an 1 1/2 set of fitting will work based on fitting sizes used on the likes of commercially sold evaporators like Leader. Hoping to do the complete 180 for under $200.

    Thanks again


    Newbie Mapler
    Have a bush, a potential shack, tractor, ATV, snowmobile
    Retired and working on the bucket list
    Hoping for a 2015 startup

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