VTTSA Don't feel bad about chewing your tubing. I think a lot of these guys on here are too young to know that chewing tubing to put it on fittings used to be a necessary evil of sugaring. Having tools to put the fittings together is a relatively new invention. Every fitting had to have the tubing chewed to get it in. Hard on the teeth and jaw. The old Lamb tubing and fittings that would break if you looked at them wrong, led to a lot of chewing when tapping to keep everything fixed. Unfortunately, most of the tubing tools you can buy for way overprice, are not really very well designed for the fittings. The one handed tools, have slots in them too big to grab the fitting properly. The fitting manufacturers don't put any effort into designing fittings that the tools can grab on both sides easily, in fact most of the tee, "Y" and connector designs are the same ones used before rigid tubing. Nowadays, having at least 1 single sided tubing tool is really a must for getting the fittings in new tubing properly. It will take a little more time with a single sided tool versus having both a single and double tool, but it can be done if you are on a tight budget.
Sugaring for 45+ years
New Sugarhouse 14'x32'
New to Me Algier 2'x8' wood fired evaporator
2022 added a used RB25 RO Bucket
250 mostly Sugar Maples, 15% Soft Maples. Currently,(110on 3/16" and 125 on Shurflo 4008 vacuum, 15 gravity), (16,000 before being disabled)
1947 Farmall H and Wagon with gathering tank
2012 Kubota with forks to move wood around