New Stainless Steel Pan Maintenance
Looking for some advice/tips on new pan maintenance, cleaning, in between boils and end of the season. I have a 2x5 ss flat pan and pre heater coming that are brand new. They are 20g 304 stainless steel. This is our second year boiling and I just made an oil tank arch. I was wondering if I need to clean it or boil some water in it first before I put the sap in, and what you guys do to maintain the pans and end of the season.
2x 1000L totes
100 cup coffee urn for bottling
18 buckets and spiles
32 buckets and drop lines
Homemade oil tank arch
2x5x10" flat pan
2x1x10" Pre heater
24x14 wood shed/sugar shack
57 L of syrup finished though
Electric transfer pump
A bunch of other homemade items
18 buckets and spiles
3x 55 gallon plastic storage barrels one with tap to gravity feed sap
Homemade stove and DIY setup
300 L of Sap and 10 L of amazing 1st time Syrup!