I'm guestimating 12-15 gallons of sap per tap. That should work out to .25 to .3 gallons of syrup per tap if the sugar content stays above 2%.
2024 55 3/16 gravity, 19 5/16 gravity, 40 buckets and bags, RO Bucket rb15 kit, 5ft Phaneuf drop flue evaporator, Mason AUF arch.
2023 35 3/16 gravity, 30 5/16 gravity 53 buckets and bags, RO Bucket rb15 kit, 5ft Phaneuf drop flue evaporator.
Mason AUF arch
2022 35 3/16 gravity, 28 5/16 gravity, 50 buckets and bags, New RO Bucket rb15 kit.
2021 11 on 5/16 gravity, 30 on 3/16 gravity, 69 on buckets and bags. All sugar maples. Mostly large old trees.