I don't think it's that crazy of an idea, but you couldn't use a milk truck to haul the sap. Milk trucks that are liscenced to haul milk can only haul milk or water, nothing else. I don't know about other places, but I know in Wisconsin this is enforced. Also, the milk truck doesn't absorb the flavor of the milk, it's stainless steel and stainless doesn't absorb off flavors, not to mention the truck gets washed every time after it drops off a load of milk at the plant.
18 Years Old
Been Cooking Since Nine and Constantly Expanding
275 on Vacuum and 215 Bags
John Deere 2320
Wes-Fab 7" Short Stack Filter Press
Ray Gengrich 250 R/O
Waterloo/Small 2x8 with Home-Made HP AOF and AUF and Air-Tight Door