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Thread: WI Federal Disaster Declaration: 2012 Maple Season

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    North of Cheddar Curtain


    Back I think in about '73 - that'd be nine-teen and seventy-three, we had maybe 5 acres of pretty much scrub land, sittin and doin nuthin.

    Long came the man from You Es Dee Aye offerin to bring over his boys and plant us up a nice new stand 'o pine on that land. All free 'o charge of course. In 10, 12 maybe 15 years we'd have ourselves a nice stand of pine to gaze at. Who could turn the nice Govnmt man down? The trees went in.

    Sure as the sun rises in the morning, long about the next April or May here comes a fancy white envelope from Washington Dee Cee - those You Es Dee Aye folks - with a check inside. It said "We just wanted to thank you for not growin cotton on that land we put trees on fer ya last year".

    And sure as the sun sets, the next spring another fancy envelope from the same Govm't Agents - and another nice fat check. The note said they were sending it along to thank us profusely for not growin tobbaco on that land they planted them trees on 2 years back"

    Last I knew there wasn't a whole lot of worry that anyone in Central VERMONT was gonna be a big player in the Cotton or Tobacco industries.

    Those checks kicked around the house for years - never did get cashed, but I'll bet ya somewhere in the bowels of Washington Dee Cee there is a still flint eyed minion of the law who has made a career out of trying to balance the "Thanks for Not Growing Cotton and Tobbaco Program" books cause of those 2 uncashed checks.

    A year or 2 after the MAPLE TAP ACT gets started, there'll be some cotton farmer in Alabama gettin a letter from the You Es Dee Aye thanking him for not tappin maples - as a token of our gratitude, a nice fat check is enclosed.

    True story - predictor of the future!


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    44.3° N° 69.1° W


    True story - predictor of the future
    " What do you think of that man out your way ? Would you call him an honest man or a liar ?"
    " Well I wouldn't go so far as to call him a liar. But when he wants his cows to come in from pasture,
    he's got to get somebody else to call em."
    " A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way."
    Mark Twain
    900 plus taps , 435 vacuum, 565 gravity
    2.5 x 10 Thor on Tsunami arch
    H2O Concentrater 300
    Squeezing Bees
    Draining Trees
    Since 1980

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Burlington, Vermont


    Why do I think there's a "long end of the stick" to be mindful of in this situation? One of the realities of the auto bailout was a Car Czar (puppet), and now we have the Chevy Volt, selling (anemically) at 41K with a 40K production price tag based on 24 year old technology. You can't make me for one minute think that anyone with experience in Detroit thought this was a viable application of business, but with Government calling the shots, well, you know. What happens to maple when you invite in big government?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ashtabula County, Ohio


    If government is involved, especially the federal government, you can bet it will be screwed up.
    1000 taps on vac down to 100+ buckets 99% sugars
    2x5 SL Hi-Output Raised Flue Corsair evaporator
    SL Short bank press with CDL diaphragm pump
    Leader Micro 1 RO for 2024
    Constantly changing
    2010:36 gal 2011:126 gal 2012:81 gal 2013:248 gal 2014: 329.5 gal 2015:305 gal 2016:316 gal 2017:258 gal 2018:147 gal 2019:91 gal 2020:30 gal 2021:30 gal 2023:50 gal Total since 2010: 2047.5 gal
    Tapping the same trees my great, great and great grandfathers tapped.

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