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Thread: started tapping today in knox county

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    martinsburg ohio

    Default started tapping today in knox county

    started tapping this afternoon got 69 taps in 500 to go, the trees were actually running today i was suprised. they should run tomorrow and the rest of the week weather forecast is looking good as long as nothing changes but it is ohio we are talking about. it can be sunny one day and dumping snow the next. hopen for a good season.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Ohio


    I'm on the other end of Knox county. Funny you mentioned sunny one day then dumping snow the next. Exactly what is going on today - snow. With the hard freeze we had this past weekend I'm hopeful that we will get some sun to thaw out the trees and taps I already had in. Really want to get in some boils later this week. Hope your season goes well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Bainbridge Township, OH


    With the warm weather that we had for those few weeks, did you have any trees that started budding?
    2012 50 taps on a homemade 2x4 arch w/ WSE pans
    2011 1st year -24 taps on a 2x2 homemade flat pan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    NE Ohio, Geauga county, Montville


    We have some reds out here with some big buds! I'll stick to mostly sugars this year. I'll be tapping Saturday!
    12X16 Sugarhouse and 16x24 attached woodshed
    1000 taps
    120 3/16 tubing
    And still some buckets
    Becker U5.70 Rotary vane
    Leader 2X8 Reverse oil fired, Revolution Pans & Steam a way
    Lapierre Turbo 2000 600 GPH RO
    Leader Clear frame filter press
    John Deere Gator 6X4
    Indy 500 and a very large sled.
    Kubota M8200

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Bainbridge Township, OH


    Some of my Reds have started budding already, too. Just like the difference in sap running from trees next to each other, it's the same with the buds. Two trees next to each other; one has buds the other doesn't. I'm going to tap the rest of my trees by Saturday.
    2012 50 taps on a homemade 2x4 arch w/ WSE pans
    2011 1st year -24 taps on a 2x2 homemade flat pan

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Granville, Ohio


    I am just south of you in Licking County I to started tapping today. The soft maples were running good.(50 taps) not a drop from any of the hard maples.(50 taps) Still have another 200 taps to go. No buds on any of my trees, but all mine are on a steep north facing hill side were it is a lot cooler. I will not be able to get back to tapping til Sunday have to work 12 hr shift the rest of the week and Saturday. I to am hoping for a good season.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Central Ohio


    We are also in knox county Finished tapping yesterday. Upcoming weather looks good. Best of luck to all.
    56x84 Sugarhouse
    5,700+ taps on vacuum
    4x14 Leader Natural Gas Fired Evaporator
    2 - Springtech 600gpm RO's
    Lots of sap storage capacity
    2,500 gallon sap tanker truck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    martinsburg ohio


    i have some reds that have buds not to many, today i got 300 taps in, 250 to go im hopen to have the rest in by the end of the week. they were runnin a little today not much im hopen for a good run tomorrow, hopen to have my first boil on friday we will see i tested some of the sap i got today and it was reading around 2 so im happy hope it gets a little better.

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