I started useing a lasher last year. I went every 100 feet and put a wire tie around it just for safety. It is very easy to pick it up and set it back down to go around tree's. It takes longer to string the wire then to lash a run no matter what the length is. I bought mine on e-bay for 600 bucks. The only time I have to wire tie is when the line is around 2 feet off the ground. With the weight of the lasher it tends to be heavy enough to stretch everything down to the ground. The best height in the woods around 4 - 5 feet off the ground. I will never wire tie again. It is what I have found works the best for me
5 by 16 Thunderbolt with hoods and preheater
Springtec 800 RO
Sihi Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump
5000 Taps On Vacuum for 2013