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Thread: Buying Bottles, What is a fair price? Where to buy? What shapes are good?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    northwest pa


    when you go to the hardware store buy a hydrometer. Get the syrup to the correct brix. Also get a felt cone filter and a few pre filters. They sell all of that stuff. Sounds like you are getting more sand when cooking on the stove. Filter it once you get to the correct brix and then reheat and keep the temp of the syrup under 200 when bottling. it helps to also have a thermometer that reads in tenths.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Shawano, Wisconsin


    Over here in Wisconsin Maple Hollow sells quart glass bottles for 9 dollars a dozen. Maplehollow.com
    600 Taps on Buckets
    John Deere 4-wheel drive Utility Tractor
    20x20 Sugar Shack
    2 3x6 Flat Pans Wood Fired

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    NE PA


    I have no idea what bottles cost but reading this thread just made me realize what good sense a small producer's co-op would make. Even $9/dz seems expensive to me and you might be able to do a lot better than the local hardware store.

    You guys in NW PA should get together and see if you can find others like you that might be interested in going in together next year and buying a large quantity of bottles at a bulk rate.

    Just a thought while watching sap boil

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