Quote Originally Posted by ADK_XJ View Post
Yeah, not to add to your anxiety, but that's what I was thinking, too — the sap wasn't THAT cloudy and it definitely didn't smell. Only after I got it finished to 219F did it start to smell. This happened to me two seasons ago with a large batch and I made maple sugar with it, that actually tasted very good. It had none of the off taste but it was only for my own consumption and my neighbor who helps me out.
Just collected it and certainly had to dump a couple buckets and didn't keep anything from any reds with buds. Sap has changed a little but in color but I can easily see the bottom of the 5 gallon collection buckets. Tastes like early season sap too so I guess we'll find out when I boil it in a little bit! I like the maple sugar idea for it though if we reach the same issue you had.