Can I add some leftover syrup from last year into my final boil without quality loss?
I'm a hobby maker and only make a few gallons per season. I have a little over 1.5 gallons of 64.5 near syrup in the fridge which I'll finish boiling, filter, and bottle either tomorrow or Saturday. That's only about half of my usual due to weather and other issues.
That said, I have five or six 8-ounce bottles in my pantry leftover from last year that developed some niter in the bottom of the bottles which I don't usually get. Would it be a bad idea to add that syrup into this year's batch before I finish boiling it? I was thinking it would give me a chance to get rid of the niter when I filter again and freshen it up by re-boiling it. However, I won't do it if you more experienced folks think it will reduce the quality or have any other negative effects on this year's batch that I'm not thinking of.
Hudson Valley, NY
Backyard hobby syrup maker on about 12 trees