I have 20 gallons of maple syrup with a slightly fruity aftertaste that I find unpleasant - I have very sensitive taste and my other family members do not detect it. Can it be treated to change this in some way - like diluting and re-boiling or something like that.

I think the cause may have been sap fermentation in the evaporator. At the end of the last boil, 60 gallons of cold permeate was accidentally let down into the flue pan. This would have cooled the sweet, and watered it down considerably (3x8 flue pan). I should have tossed some more wood on the fire and made sure it boiled, but the night was already too late. When we boiled again today after it had sat there for 48 hours and the syrup had a distinctly sweet odor and that odd aftertaste. 20 gallons of syrup later and it was gone. As-is, I would rather not sell the syrup. It is a DR with good flavor, but as I said, a weird after effect.
