Hi, I’m looking for input on how often you run a Wash of your RO membranes with soap that is.

I have a small system 50 gph water removal, single membrane. Purchase from a small vendor,
Paul Family Maple. He has been very helpful and the system ran great. I rinsed after every boil per instructions, but his suggestion is to wash only when needed as performance degrades, plus end of season of course. So I haven’t washed yet. But a good and More Experienced friend said he washes after every boil, and I saw someone else here yesterday post and say the same thing. So this is part survey and part a request for advise. Is washing every boil necessary?

For me, more background - 125 taps, and I only hope to concentrate to maybe 5% and run the RO for 1 hour daily at a time to achieve that. The pump runs at 180 gph and that’s about the max I collect per day.
