Hi Everyone,

I have really enjoyed reading through many posts about tubing installation. This year I am planning on making the jump from drop-lines in buckets, to running some lines through my sugarbush. Part of my property is down the side of a drumlin with quite a bit of slope and the other portion is on flatter land. I'm not able to set up a vacuum pump so I'll be on gravity this year. Down the line I'd like to put up some main lines, but I plan on growing a little more each year to get to that point.

I have read several posts on different tubing thoughts and I have some questions that I am looking for some more clarification on:

- Several threads have mentioned using 5/16 drops with 3/16 lines, the 5/16 drops are supposed to prevent sap from being taken back into the tree. And from what I've gathered if 3/16 drops were used with 3/16 lines on gravity the sap could be taken back in leading to a smaller sap yield. Are there any benefits to using 5/16 drops on 3/16 lines that I am missing? How long should the drops be? Would using a check valve in tandem with 3/16 drops on 3/16 line prevent the sap from being pulled back into the tree?

- If using 3/16 line, is there an optimal drop from the last tree to the collection tank that would maximize sap flow?

- Am I better off just using 5/16 lines and drops leading to collection tanks for the flatter parts of the land?

Thanks so much for your input!