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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Readsboro, VT


    Sap ran very well here yesterday, and probably will today with the low nighttime temps.
    Last night I did my last boil, despite my having pulled some of my taps the other day. I could not stop! watching that sap flowing was to much for me I know Maple Trader thinks I am only an enthusiast, but I am addicted. I enjoy this way to much, and I did enjoy my last day with 10 more gallons of VD, and it was my first ever VD in my fourth year. Boiled and filtered very well. Just a little off flavor, but I have more in 5 gallons cans than I need for personal consumption anyway. I pushed my sweet through the pan with permeate, and soaked overnight for cleaning. Lots more to do, then lots of leisure weekends tending my roadside stand. I need it after 2 1/2 months of sugaring.
    Went well over the 150 gallon mark. Not bad for a backyard sugarmaker!
    Last edited by DoubleBrookMaple; 04-14-2016 at 08:34 AM.
    Eric of the Greens... I Fly Solo...
    2013-15 Block arch to having it all...
    2016...320 on vacuum. 155 gravity, 90 buckets.
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    2x4x40 RO w/ dual 265gph Procons
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