I don't think the pumps CDL is using in those releasers are really adequate for the job. If it were me I would get in touch with Clayton at MES and look into one of his electric releasers. I am using one of similar design and it has been awesome. http://www.mapleexperts.com/

We had a marginal freeze here last night and it was enough to pick up the sap flow a bit but not enough to bring up the sugar content. Down to about 1.4 and sap quality is dropping off. Its getting too warm to store sap and I don't want to make ropey syrup. I'm going to keep the pump on through the afternoon so I can make some permeate for cleaning the RO, but tonight will be my last boil of the 2015 season. I'm going to chase the sugar out of the rig with water and let it soak for a couple days. I'll start pulling taps tomorrow. It's time to get ready for other projects including building a house this summer.

It has been a great season for me. Good luck to everyone still at it!