2014 Vermont Maple Conferences
January 11th (Middlebury), 18th (Bellows Falls), and 25th (Hyde Park)

The University of Vermont Extension, Addison County Maple Sugarmakers Association and Vermont Maple Sugar Makers’ Association are pleased to offer the 11th annual Vermont Maple Conferences on Saturday January 11th, 18th and 25th, 2014. The conferences are educational meetings held for the purpose of bringing the latest information and research findings about forest management, sap collection, syrup production, quality control, and marketing to sugarmakers in Vermont and surrounding regions. These all day meetings, which are designed to provide education for maple producers of all levels of skill and experience, are open to the public. Classes are taught by scientists, natural resource professionals and sugarmakers from around the state. Meetings also feature a trade show with vendors displaying maple related equipment and a lunch with a maple theme. These meetings are widely perceived to be among the best educational opportunities for sugarmakers in the US and Canada.

Schedule, information on presentations, and registration forms available at: