The city man drives past and sees the sap pails on the trees
He stops his car and steps outside and sniffs the fragrant breeze
He sees the happy farmers with their maple trees on tap
He breathes a sigh of envy but –
He’s never gathered sap
He sees the sled and team come in - it looks like so much fun
The farmers look so healthy and he wishes he was one
But in his logic there is apt to be one major gap
For all his vim and eagerness –
He’s never gathered sap
He wanders to the sap house with its clouds of fragrant steam
He watches how the rising foam is quelled by drops of cream
He sees the golden syrup pour and fill the thick felt nap
He thinks it’s simply super but –
He’s never gathered sap
He never slogged for hours at a stretch through mud and slush
He’s never emptied buckets ‘til his mittens turned to mush
He’s never slipped and fallen down and spilled it on his lap
He thinks it’s wonderful because –
He’s never gathered sap
He doesn’t go to bed to dream of maples row on row
With miles and miles of buckets just about to overflow
He thinks it’s quite romantic - he’s a very pleasant chap
But the brutal fact, my friends is that –
He’s never gathered sap.

thought some would appreciate this????