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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #2131
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Norwich, VT


    Thanks, guys! That's notably different advice than I'd gotten previously -- namely, that I probably didn't need to clean my pans throughout a season, given the small size of my operation. But if you're cleaning every boil to every few hundred gallons, then I'm well overdue. No wonder I have so much buildup! I just picked up a bunch of vinegar and will be cleaning them out tonight. Credit to the wisdom of my sugaring elders!
    2018: 70 taps on 3/16". New sugarhouse with Smoky Lake 2x5' hybrid pro setup.
    (2017: year off; found a pregnant, very skittish cow in our sugarbush! Spent the season drawing her into our barn and learning about cow ownership...)
    2016: 40 taps on 5/16", 2x3 flat pan on cinderblocks.
    2010-15: 20 buckets, 2x3 flat pan on cinderblocks.
    2005-09: 5-10 buckets, stovetop boiling.
    2000-05: Involved with Williams College sugaring operation.

  2. #2132
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Norwich, VT


    BillyinVT, sounds like a very similar setup you & I have, both taps and evaporator! How much syrup have you finished this season? Any GD?
    2018: 70 taps on 3/16". New sugarhouse with Smoky Lake 2x5' hybrid pro setup.
    (2017: year off; found a pregnant, very skittish cow in our sugarbush! Spent the season drawing her into our barn and learning about cow ownership...)
    2016: 40 taps on 5/16", 2x3 flat pan on cinderblocks.
    2010-15: 20 buckets, 2x3 flat pan on cinderblocks.
    2005-09: 5-10 buckets, stovetop boiling.
    2000-05: Involved with Williams College sugaring operation.

  3. #2133
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Up to 1.25 gpt since....wendesday. Most of that came in yesterday afternoon after the trees thawed. Nights in the high teens, cloudy days with marginal sun, fresh snow and temps in the mid 30s just aren't cutting it. It did run hard for about an hour yesterday evening when the sun did come out, but then it froze up quick.

    I for one am ready for spring but it seems like sugaring season is going backwards this year...
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  4. #2134
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Washington County, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by alexa.holleran View Post
    BillyinVT, sounds like a very similar setup you & I have, both taps and evaporator! How much syrup have you finished this season? Any GD?
    I finished around 70 gallons this season. There was a brief 2 gallon GD draw at the beginning. I am maxed out on this set-up without an RO. I am reading up on this forum to build a simple one this summer.
    173 on 3/16 natural vac for 2023
    36 buckets
    2 x 5 Smoky Lake Hybrid pan on a custom arch
    RB25 from RO Bucket
    12x24 salvaged sugarhouse built by wife's grandpa
    1965 Massey Ferguson 165 tractor to haul sap.

  5. #2135
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    poultney vermont


    Sap flow really cutting out. Started noticing a note of funny flavor so I went out and pulled all my reds, probably 400 out of 3300. Curious to see if they were the culprit as their bud heads are about ready to pop, happened last year also. We're down to the final week I believe, the weather going to change fast iver next week and half I believe. We have made 1320 gallons so far which has exceeded my expectations for this year, no final tally but around 90,000 gallons of sap!
    18x30 sugarshack
    5100 taps high vac
    3x10 inferno with steampan
    7'' wes fab filter press
    10'' cdl air filter press
    D&G 3 post reverse osmosis w/recirculation

  6. #2136
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    Yup...the lady of large stature is warming up her vocal cords. We still have 18" of snow on the ground, but looks like a strong warming trend after Wed. Hopefully we'll make it through for at least another week or so. Been good so far, but we've made hardly any dark syrup.
    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  7. #2137
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Westford, Vermont


    Wow, 18" of snow still over there. What's your elevation there, Dr. Tim? We have patches of up to 6" in both our woods but other bare spots. Some spots probably up to my knees in the hemlocks. I hope we can make it through this warm spell.

    Looks like it won't freeze from Tuesday or Wednesday through next Tuesday. But showing cloudy each day. I attached a screenshot of what our forecast looks like for Jericho. Can anyone explain what actually would cause the sap to turn bad in quality? Will it be changes in red maple sap composition due to the flowering process? Or something else? Some years I think the sap just gets too warm and turns sour on us, but the temps forecasted won't make that happen in the next week or so. So i'm curious, if the sap did turn, what is technically causing that. The more I think about it, the more I think we will make it through. We ran check valves this year so sap flow shouldn't be an issue (I hope). It would be nice to be able to keep pulling good sap through this. We are just above 0.42 gals per tap in our Westford woods (no idea what Jericho is), and I think we'll hit 0.5 gpt which i'll be really happy about. That woods has never hit that mark in 20 or 25 years+ of production.

    Screenshot 2018-04-09 at 2.07.33 PM.jpg

  8. #2138
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Southern Vermont


    We have called it a season here in Southern VT. About 1700’ in elevation, east and south facing slopes.

    We’re only stopping due to other obligations (and almost out of wood!), flavor was still excellent, sap around 2%. Probably a bit higher after these last couple nights in the low teens.

    We made 85.5 gallons on approx 300 taps. No vacuum (didn’t set the 3/16” up quite right). Tapped end of February (missed an excellent run or two), started with AR, quickly went to DR (would have been dark amber on the old grading scale), then we had 18 days off and about 50” of snow, brining it back to AR. We finished with DR, the darkest we’ve made in at least 8 years.

    We still have about 12” of snow, but southern slopes are almost bare (again).
    We will be giving sap to a friend who hasn’t had the best season. His west facing trees (1100’) are finished.
    2018 - 99 on 3/16, 125 on 5/16, 75 buckets
    2015-2017 - 175 on 5/16, 75 buckets
    2014 - 175 on 5/16, 110 buckets
    2013 - 200 on 5/16, 40 buckets
    2012 - 200 on 5/16

    Since 2014 - Leader 30”x8’ raised flue, patriot syrup pan
    Hood, preheater and blower for 2018
    2012-2013 Leader 2x8 drop flue, no enhancements

  9. #2139
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by WestfordSugarworks View Post
    I hope we can make it through this warm spell.
    Warm spell? I would be happy if it would warm up enough for the the trees to actually thaw and run for more than an hour or so... Even with today's sun, this polar air mass is so cold that only small trees were really running. I don't think it's going to warm up enough to really do much for another couple days. Even then, without the sun, I'm skeptical. Trees respond to more than just temp. in terms of budding and I think that for those of us in the Champlain Valley, we don't have much time left. With 50's and rain forecasted later this week for several days, I think the end is in sight, but I'm not convinced it will ever run that well before the trees start to bud...

    I'm not complaining. It has been a great season... I'm ready for spring.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  10. #2140
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    I'm starting to question whether or not the trees haven't just started sealing up. We were having decent flow before this last cold spell and now half haven't leaked with what little warm up we have been getting, although it doesn't really feel as warm as the thermometer says. Anxious to see what later this week brings for temeprature, these 18 degree mornings in Franklin County are getting a bit old.
    Season Totals
    • 2019 - 24 Taps / 11.5 Gal. Syrup
    • 2018 - 24 Taps / 20 Gal. Syrup
    • 2017 - 18 Taps + 7 Taps added Mid-Season / 15 Gal. Syrup
    • 2016 - 18 Taps added Mid-Season / 5.25 Gal. Syrup
    Current Equipment
    • Off-grid solar/battery powered home-built RO and "Sugar House"
    • Homebuilt 34x17 Propane Evaporator

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